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May 16 - 18, 2015
AZArizona County officials prepare for extra election costs
CACalifornia Voter bill of rights legislation clears SenateCalifornia Supervisor says vote-by-mail postage similar to poll tax
FLFlorida Gov. grudgingly OKs OVRFlorida Scott with 'some hesitation' signs OVR lawFlorida Even Scott's critics praise him for signing voter registration billFlorida Hillsborough SOE is first in state to receive Governor's Sterling AwardFlorida Election officials question Detzner's credibility after Scott's action
HIHawaii Low voter turnout not unique to islandsHawaii Elections meeting held via videoconference
ILIllinois Will Co. clerk wants to delay foreign language ballotsIllinois Counties look to Schock for election costs
INIndiana Provisional ballot rejected in tied raceIndiana Three candidates remain on short end of official resultsIndiana Porter Co. primary results certified despite problemsIndiana South Bend teen, registered to vote, turned away from pollsIndiana New Porter Co. pollbooks fail to acknowledge hundreds of votersIndiana TH vote totals official with only one ballot changeIndiana Runner-up wants new election
MDMaryland Bill to restore ex-felon voting rights awaits Hogan's signature
MAMassachusetts The 'cookie lady' votes
MNMinnesota Push to restore ex-felon voting rights on hold until next year
MOMissouri Another change in store for votersMissouri Mid-Missouri man to appear in court for voter fraud
NENebraska Citing voter concerns over mail-in ballots, lawmaker calls for 'secrecy sleeve'
NHNew Hampshire NH Supreme Court strikes down voter resident law
NJNew Jersey Passaic Co. elections official wins first round of freeholders' lawsuit
NCNorth Carolina Reports question NC's voting rights efforts
PAPennsylvania County names voting machine inspectorsPennsylvania County agrees to cover signs at judge's office while polls are openPennsylvania Several precincts have been consolidatedPennsylvania Primary polls ready for votersPennsylvania County won't remove Bridy from election board
TNTennessee Wilson Co. SEEK students visit election commissionTennessee State embroiled in felon voting rights' caseTennessee Jefferson Co. woman charged with election law violation
TXTexas County use new, loaner voting equipment in 2016Texas Officials: Vote centers a success
VTVermont Condos thanks Legislature for passage of election day registration
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