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Wednesday June 3, 2015
National NewsNational News States offering more voter registration resources online
ARArkansas Election officials stress over plan for voting machines
CACalifornia Padilla chalks u win on eve of East Bay visitCalifornia Assembly OKs two different approaches to boost voter registrationCalifornia Bill that would mandate district elections moves forwardCalifornia Thousand Oaks election too close to call
CTConnecticut Bill mandating accountability for registrars is headed to governor's desk
FLFlorida Absentee ballots might come with a stamp
GAGeorgia Flower Branch, Lula votes present learning opportunity for new BOEGeorgia County approves move to single voting precinct
INIndiana Nearly all Hoosiers ignored May primary elections
MSMississippi Clerks: Mixed turnout for US House runoff
NENebraska Mail-only votes expanded to candidate special electionsNebraska Hall Co. election commissioner to receive new ballot-counting machine
NVNevada Nevada sticks with caucus system
NJNew Jersey Poll workers see steady stream of votersNew Jersey Senior citizen says he was punched in face at pollsNew Jersey East Orange police probing alleged assault, other incidentsNew Jersey Hoax report caused school lock down, suspended voting
NYNew York City elections board to expand tablet programNew York BOE: No nonpartisan special elections for open city council seats
NCNorth Carolina Voter ID public hearing to be held in Wilmington FridayNorth Carolina NC moves forward on voter ID rule, amid lawsuit
OHOhio Voting machines drenched in delugeOhio Lucas Co. voting machines get wet
OROregon Clark County adding 2 ballot boxes
PAPennsylvania Erie lawmaker introduces same-day voter registration legislationPennsylvania Pedro Cortes dodges controversy to win Senate confirmation
VTVermont Vermont becomes 14th state to allow same-day voter registration
VAVirginia Washington Co. electoral board appoints new registrar
WAWashington Yakima city council seeks to stay electionWashington Signature gatherers getting aggressive, Washington stores say
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