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Thursday June 4, 2015
National NewsNational News Clinton calls for at least 20 days of early votingNational News Democrats wage a national fight over voter rules
ARArkansas Offer made for polling place: Boone Co. looks at building for early votingArkansas New machines may complicate early primary plans
CACalifornia Council opts outof special election to fill vacancy
FLFlorida New election equipment upgrade not compatible with purchased iPadsFlorida Lee requests equipment upgrade worth nearly $800K
GAGeorgia Voters claiming residency at UPS store could face elections boardGeorgia Elections board to draft personnel manual
ILIllinois New unfunded mandate adds $1.9M to Kane Co. clerk's budget
INIndiana Candidates will draw lots to break tie
KYKentucky Calloway among counties selected for random election audit
LALouisiana Former elected officials among registrar of voters applicants
MDMaryland Proposal for open primaries in Frederick detailed at workshop
MIMichigan Flint primary ballots might actually have some namesMichigan Bill fixing Flint election hiccup goes to governor
MNMinnesota Secretary of state visits Austin, talks election
NHNew Hampshire House passes bill expanding voter residency requirementsNew Hampshire Monadnock school board won't allow Swanzey residents to vote at high school
NCNorth Carolina Be prepared at the polls: Voting changes coming in 2016North Carolina First of voter ID public hearings held in RaleighNorth Carolina Public sounds off on election board over voter ID lawNorth Carolina Local NAACP members still fighting for votersNorth Carolina July to bring fresh elections board to New Hanover
OHOhio Clark Co. elections board to hire deputy director
TNTennessee GOP will have March 1 primary for local races
TXTexas Committee gives new vote centers seven thumbs up
USVIUS Virgin Islands Elections board head says no to closed meeting
VAVirginia Bjerke reappointed, sworn in as FC registrar
WAWashington Yakima's request to halt elections brings uncertainty
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