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Friday June 5, 2015
National NewsNational News Returning to roots, Clinton lays out proposal to expand votingNational News The peculiar charms (and perils) of electronic votingNational News Six states signed on so far for 'SEC primary'National News Justice Dept. pushes bill to make polling booths closer to Native American voters
CACalifornia Blind voters settle 2013 lawsuit against Alameda CountyCalifornia Nevada Co. grand jury makes recommendations for improved election day
FLFlorida Elections office will stay downtownFlorida Fort Myers looks to limit way most people vote in electionsFlorida Commissioner: Ban elections office attorney from politics
GUGuam GEC prepares for special election
ILIllinois Expansion of same-day voter registration hits snag?
INIndiana Primary vote costs city $25 per ballotIndiana Supreme Court hears Lake precinct law challenge
KSKansas School bond issues go to vote-by-mail
NMNew Mexico Dona Ana Co. clerk's off releases statement defending integrityNew Mexico Dona Ana Co. fires whistleblower in ID theft case
NCNorth Carolina Democracy NC officials discuss voter ID law changesNorth Carolina NC GOP offering free rides to anyone to get voter IDsNorth Carolina Bill requires jury excuses to be reported to BOENorth Carolina Forsyth Dems recommend elections board member be reappointed
OHOhio Husted slams Clinton over voter access
OROregon Hart InterCivic Verity Voting System receives state certification in Oregon
SDSouth Dakota SD elections may get faster, easier in 2016South Dakota State election panel OKs new technology
TNTennessee Early voting sites axed unless more funding approvedTennessee Nashville early voting in 'chaos,' says election commissioner
USVIUS Virgin Islands Joint boards of elections meet in St. Croix
VAVirginia Charlottesville tests, locks voting machines for primaryVirginia Botetourt Co. registrar electoral board get outside investigatorVirginia Challenger to Va. House speaker suffers setback over absentee ballotsVirginia Henrico does training blitz on new voting machines
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