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June 06 - 8, 2015
National NewsNational News Soros bankrolls Democrats' fight in voting rights casesNational News GOP hits back at Hillary Clinton on voting rightsNational News Microsoft wants to make elections better using mobile apps and the cloud
AZArizona Redistricting plan begins ahead of court decision
FLFlorida Public records exemption passes for military votersFlorida Hernando Co. elections office to purchase new voting equipment for 2016
IAIowa Mail-in ballots may catch on in Dakota Co.
KSKansas Kansas changing timing of local elections, giving SoS power to prosecute fraud
MDMaryland Shalleck to head MoCo BOE
MAMassachusetts Mayor proposes moving 5 polling locations to Senior Center
MIMichigan Gov. signs bill to fix Flint elections
MNMinnesota Election judges deny poll challengers
MSMississippi Voter registration cards to be mailed soon
MOMissouri County clerk considers polling place changes
MTMontana Voting groups seek election changes
NHNew Hampshire Federal judge to decide whether 'ballot selfies' protected as free speech
NMNew Mexico Ex-Dona Ana Co. elections supervisor arrested for allegedly falsifying records
NCNorth Carolina As voter ID changes approach, state to hold hearingsNorth Carolina BOE hears comments on rules for voter IDNorth Carolina Public comment on voter ID set for TuesdayNorth Carolina Forsyth Co. elections director questions process for 17-year oldsNorth Carolina Voter ID comments in New Hanover reflect 2 schools of thought
OHOhio Kasich raps Clinton for 'demagoguery' on voting issue
SDSouth Dakota State elections panel OKs new technologySouth Dakota Belle Fourche casting of ballots should go smoother in the future
TNTennessee Only one early voting site could be open for mayoral electionTennessee New Williamson Co. election official appointedTennessee Harwell pushing to maintain all 11 early voting sitesTennessee New voting precinct added to Thompson's Station
TXTexas Fort Worth woman admits guilt in voter fraud case
UTUtah Weber Co.'s new elections director hit the ground running
VAVirginia Prince William to debut new paper ballot scanningVirginia Stimpson injunction request deniedVirginia Parents demand more security as voters cast ballots at busy schools
WAWashington State AG's opinion on ACLU case could have wide reach
WVWest Virginia Towns, communities prepare for municipal electionsWest Virginia Weirton polling site changes
WIWisconsin Cleveland official charged with misconduct
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