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Tuesday June 9, 2015
National NewsNational News Nolan, groups push for election reform
CACalifornia Youth voting effort in SF postponed for at least another yearCalifornia San Diego announces special election can occur this year
CTConnecticut Middletown registrar appointed
FLFlorida Some commissioners fed up with Broward elections chiefFlorida Attorney: Effort to appoint position 'awful and racist'
GAGeorgia Pioneering elections chief honoredGeorgia Bibb's group say on voting sites delivered Tuesday
ILIllinois Same day registration will be in place to fill Schock spotIllinois Special election triggers early onset of new lawIllinois Clerk estimates same day voter sign up will double election cost
INIndiana County starts process for new voting machinesIndiana Election board takes steps to reduce cost of Woodburn special election
KSKansas Brownback signs election bills, gives Kobach prosecutorial powersKansas Kobach sees filing election cases soon under new Kansas law
KYKentucky State board certifies May 19 primary
LALouisiana Delgado says 'cronyism' afoot in push for registrar
MAMassachusetts Worcester could choose tablets at the polls
MIMichigan Flint Clerk Inez Brown takes 'full responsibility' for election error
NVNevada Automatic voter registration for 18-year-olds?
NHNew Hampshire Ballot law pits freedom of speech vs. potential voter fraud
TXTexas Elections commission recommends interim chief
USVIUS Virgin Islands Voting rights group seeks plaintiffs
VAVirginia Eight percent turnout expected in Prince WilliamVirginia Voters can get a peek at new voting machinesVirginia As polls open for primary, Bedford Co. registrar prepares for issues with machinesVirginia City: Housing office will remain voting precinct
WAWashington Yakima council OKs options for elections stay
WVWest Virginia Princeton election results remain unchanged
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