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Wednesday June 10, 2015
ALAlabama Alabama moves up presidential primary
AKAlaska City council concerned about mail-in ballots
CACalifornia Saugus district unveils timeline for election change
COColorado Smartphone voting isn't ready
FLFlorida OVR falls short for '16 presidential electionFlorida Election supervisor defends iPad purchaseFlorida Broward supervisor remains under fire
GAGeorgia Compromise on Bibb voting sites could be comingGeorgia Citizens' panel opposes Bibb precinct cutsGeorgia Delegation removes 3 election commissioners
GUGuam GEC seeks funds to clear debt
INIndiana Clerk: Voter turnout ranking misleadingIndiana State investigating Porter Co. election resultsIndiana Porter Co. continues primary problems discussion
MAMassachusetts Officials approve override election date
MSMississippi Group files lawsuit against Natchez over voting districts
NMNew Mexico Dona Ana clerk, manager: Whistleblower not fired in retaliation
NCNorth Carolina Speakers cite burdens of new voter ID lawNorth Carolina Draft voter ID rules allow for some flexibilityNorth Carolina State officials deciding how voter ID law will work at polls
NDNorth Dakota Tax election draws steady stream of voters
OHOhio Electronic pollbooks possible solution to long lines on Election DayOhio Flores sues to challenge election resultsOhio Senators join to provide new elections technology
PAPennsylvania Elections chief sue to stop ethics probePennsylvania Special election to cost $70K
TXTexas Court authorizes purchase of voting equipment
UTUtah Orem City council gives nod to vote-by-mail
VAVirginia Primary turnout slightly up from 2012Virginia Paper ballots were OK for primary, but officials hope new machines in place for NovemberVirginia Some question why local taxpayers shoulder high costs of primaries
WAWashington Senate bill would let cities hold district elections
WVWest Virginia SoS officials monitor municipal elections
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