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Tuesday June 16, 2015
ARArkansas Martin picks provider of new state voting gear
CACalifornia Carson City clerk sues city council over election vote count
CTConnecticut New Working Families registrar, deputy in Hartford
FLFlorida Earley running for supervisor of electionsFlorida First candidate files for Leon elections supervisor
GAGeorgia Absentee voting increased for special election in Forsyth
INIndiana Counting on a new way of doing things in Clark Co.
KYKentucky Knapp Avenue voting house to be sold
MAMassachusetts Marlborough City Council OKs polling location changes
NJNew Jersey Democrats unveil 'Democracy Act' to overhaul state's voting lawsNew Jersey Democrats say overhauling election law is 'the right thing'
NMNew Mexico Concerns about clerk's office arrests, but not a loss of trustNew Mexico More than 300 purged from voter roll in Curry Co.
NYNew York Magee helps pass legislation to assist New Yorkers with disabilities
NCNorth Carolina Weigh in on new voter ID lawNorth Carolina Commissioners receive request for new elections director to start working early
OHOhio Commissioners seek to replace scanners
RIRhode Island Automatic registry could grow rolls by 250KRhode Island Cicilline bill would make voter registration automatic
USVIUS Virgin Islands St. John town hall meeting on election reforms draws small crowd
VTVermont Brattleboro town clerk on hand for bill signing
VAVirginia Lawmakers, experts discuss data protection
WVWest Virginia Weirton votes canvassed, results stand
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