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Wednesday June 17, 2015
ARArkansas Nebraska-based company picked for new voting equipment
CACalifornia Elections official loses fight to boost managers' pay
COColorado Boulder Co.: Hall complied with election laws
FLFlorida Leon Co. supervisor of elections endorses candidate to take his placeFlorida Lee commissioners want audit of Harrington in iPad fiascoFlorida Lee commissioners hold off approving nearly $900K for new election equipment
GAGeorgia Election workers recognized for years of service
ILIllinois New Effingham voter cards coming this week
IAIowa Linn Co. prepares to spent $800K for new voting machines
LALouisiana 101-year-old woman can't vote due to voter ID laws according to paper
MIMichigan Ruth Johnson backing new absentee voting bill
NMNew Mexico 3,100 names deleted from voter rolls
NYNew York City pushes county to realign voting districts
OHOhio Senate panel to weigh OVROhio Children Services gets break on elections costs
OKOklahoma Voter registration will soon be available online
PAPennsylvania Write-ins make more than 70 candidates winners
SCSouth Carolina Jasper Co. election commissioner 'shocked' by changes
SDSouth Dakota ACLU files suit challenging SD election law change
TNTennessee Metro council approves budget, provides funds for early votingTennessee Nashville early voting sites appear saved after budget approvedTennessee Finchum completes 26 years on county election commission
TXTexas Harris Co. parties trust the ballot machines
WAWashington Dozens attend Yakima rally on voting rights case
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