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June 20 - 22, 2015
ALAlabama More than 100 march in Shelby Co. for voting rights
ARArkansas New voting system to roll out in the fallArkansas Funding still sought for statewide voting systemArkansas Crawford election commission combines polling sites
CACalifornia Padilla speaks to Democrats at Jefferson Day Dinner
FLFlorida Advocate of felon voting ballot initiative to speak in NaplesFlorida Supervisor of elections explains request for fundsFlorida People want Harrington's job
ILIllinois County officials prepare for special electionIllinois Alorton woman charged with tampering with absentee ballot
MIMichigan No-reason absentee voting a no-go in SenateMichigan GR mulls suing school that backed out of being polling place
NJNew Jersey Lawmakers set to consider Democrats' election law overhaul
NMNew Mexico Four indicted in voter ID theft case
NCNorth Carolina NC legislature votes to soften voter ID requirement
PAPennsylvania Fayette judge denies vote recount request
TNTennessee Commissioners question cutting satellite voting
TXTexas Voter app seen as a way to push voters to the pollsTexas Complaint filed against election judge
VAVirginia Herring hires outside counsel for Virginia voter ID case
WAWashington Federal appeals court turns back Yakima's request to stay election
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