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Tuesday July 28, 2015
ALAlabama Up to three elections necessary for DeKalb Co. constable
AKAlaska Mallott switches out Alaska elections chiefAlaska Division of elections director resigns at Lt. Governor's requestAlaska New director chosen for Alaska Division of Elections
CACalifornia Statewide voter database starting its rollout
FLFlorida Auditor general's report critical of how Florida handles voter informationFlorida Town clerk to give election update in August
ILIllinois County preps for even more voting expansions
MAMassachusetts Holyoke still seeking Spanish-speaking poll workers
NYNew York Nassau gets $2M to switch from lever to optical voting machinesNew York State elections board requests city plan to reduce voting lines
NCNorth Carolina Expert: New voting law wouldn't have affected black turnout in 2014North Carolina State begins case in NC elections trialNorth Carolina Elections board members take oathNorth Carolina Appalachian student union could get another early voting polling placeNorth Carolina Board of elections gets new members
PAPennsylvania Can public art rescue Philly voter turnout from the doldrums?
TNTennessee County must store Amendment 1 election data
UTUtah Mail ballots return slowly as in-person early voting begins
VAVirginia Proposed changes to Va. voter registration stirs fears among GOP
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