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Thursday July 30, 2015
National NewsNational News A dream undoneNational News Inside Ari Berman's new bookNational News Coming soon: Absentee ballots from your smartphoneNational News 50 years of voting rights to be hailed
AKAlaska Alaska Native leaders speak out in support of newly appointed elections director
FLFlorida Elections office gets a five-year windfall
GAGeorgia LaGrange council moves forward on elections calendar
KSKansas Voter ID law focus of Kansas civil rights committee
MSMississippi Forrest Co. voting machines al set for primary election
NHNew Hampshire Nonprofit to call for more voter, civic engagement
NJNew Jersey Camden Co. opens up new elections and archive center
NYNew York Rampo counting ward votes under watchful eyes
NCNorth Carolina Lawmakers, BOE director testify on new election practicesNorth Carolina State elections director: 31 cases of alleged voter fraud referred to county prosecutorsNorth Carolina Closing arguments set in NC voting rights trial
OHOhio SoS launches investigation into petition driveOhio Lorain vote fraud suit casts wide scopeOhio Mixed messages sent to Canfield voters
PAPennsylvania Schools decline to be polling places because of concernsPennsylvania Longtime Dauphin Co. voter registration worker honored by county, state officials
TNTennessee Commission makes voter registration more accessible
UTUtah City, county officials discuss mail-in voting in upcoming municipal electionsUtah Vote by mail increasing turnout in Salt Lake Co.Utah Utah making it easier to vote-by-mailUtah Mail-in ballots, social media changing how people campaign and vote
VAVirginia Roanoke Co. to spend $384K on voting machines
WIWisconsin Trial begins in burned ballots case
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