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Thursday August 27, 2015
National NewsNational News Amelia Boynton Robinson, 104: Fought for voting rights
ALAlabama Alabama risks making it much harder to get required voter ID
AZArizona County adopts 18 voting centersArizona San Pedro Valley area vote centers posted
CACalifornia Workshops set for groups that conduct voter registration drivesCalifornia Runner's elections bill passes committee
COColorado JCC to house Aspen polling station in November election
FLFlorida New ADA voting system awaits Lee Co. budget approval
GAGeorgia BOE votes for plan to reduce polling places
ILIllinois County clerk will step down next March
INIndiana Discussion centers around voting machines
KSKansas Clinton, Kobach spar in social media over voting rightsKansas Statistician suing state to obtain election records says voting results don't add upKansas Debate over voter ID law far from overKansas Judge: Kobach exceeded election authority
LALouisiana Legislative study continues into La. registrar of voters
MEMaine New Gloucester deputy clerk has been part of town's cycle for 30 years
MAMassachusetts Legislature OKs Marlborough polling location reshuffling
MNMinnesota SOS Simon sides with court: No need for ballot selfie ban
MSMississippi Absentee, affidavit ballots unlikely to significantly change counts
NYNew York Voting machines provide accessibility but low turnout for voters with disabilities persistsNew York Presentation held for disabled votersNew York St. Lawrence Co. chapter of AAUW celebrating 95th anniversary of 19th Amendment
NDNorth Dakota North Dakota Women's Network celebrates 95 years of women's suffrage
OKOklahoma Early voting period changes in Oklahoma
PAPennsylvania Wolf to announce online voter registration for Pa.
SCSouth Carolina Beaufort Co. elections board to hold public testing of voting machinesSouth Carolina Beaufort Co. BOE prepares for upcoming elections
UTUtah Voting rights issues focus of possible legal actions
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