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Wednesday September 2, 2015
ALAlabama September named 'Voter Registration Month' in AlabamaAlabama Court says Shelby Co. can't collect $2M in legal fees for voting rights lawsuitAlabama Voter fraud trial continues
CACalifornia Castaneda: Salinas violates Voting Rights Act and state lawsCalifornia Plain language bill signed by governorCalifornia Mullin strives to make votes countCalifornia San Francisco offers bilingual ballots, including FilipinoCalifornia Bill to increase voter turnout signed into law
FLFlorida Supervisor of elections gets cash for new voting machinesFlorida New Lee voting equipment boosts technology, dignityFlorida Lee Co. conducting 'Register to Vote at Work' programFlorida Election official valued voting process
GAGeorgia Polling site change unnerves minority voters
INIndiana St. Joseph Co. working on plan to reduce election costs
KSKansas ACLU of Kansas to testify during hearing on Kobach's proposed voter rule changeKansas Proposed voting regulation changes to draw opponents
MEMaine Swanzey couple says free speech violated at town's deliberative sessionMaine Area forums on ranked choice voting scheduled
MAMassachusetts Danvers sticks with one polling location despite traffic concerns
MOMissouri New voting machines approvedMissouri Columbia business district delays election with 1 voter
NJNew Jersey Jersey Co. disputes voter registration allegationNew Jersey Wyckoff candidate continues attempts to stop ballot printing
NMNew Mexico Secretary of state not seen in office since allegations
NYNew York BOE meeting devolves into rancor over agenda-setting
NCNorth Carolina NAACP leaders deliver letters to congressmen demanding change in voter legislation
OHOhio BOE hires consultant to recruit poll workersOhio County BOE makes some changes to precincts, polling places
PAPennsylvania Elections office seeing new votersPennsylvania Judge disqualifies nine votes in Lorain council race
TNTennessee Hargett to visit with Carson-Newman studentsTennessee After some controversy, Weakley Co. has new election administrator
TXTexas Vote-by-mail available for some votersTexas Texas counties turn to vote centers to boost turnoutTexas State OKs county voting center systemTexas Elections administrator honoredTexas Smith Co. voting centers approved by state
USVIUS Virgin Islands Senators considering consolidating elections boards
VAVirginia Campbell Co. changes voting locationsVirginia Commonwealth sees significant increase in voters since 1996
WIWisconsin State elections board director says staff has personal views but they don't make decisionsWisconsin GAB moves toward use of e-poll books
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