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September 05 - 7, 2015
National NewsNational News Online voter registration may boost tech-savvy Latino Millennial voter engagement
ALAlabama Voter convicted of openly carrying gun to poll
AZArizona Secretary of state wants redistricting plan voided
ARArkansas Voters can choose from 17 polling sites in Tuesday's special election
CACalifornia San Francisco faces dilemma in planning for new voting machines
COColorado Jeffco recall ballot timeline draws concerns from secretary of state
CTConnecticut Bristol voters invited to demonstration of new polling place technology
FLFlorida Doyle joins supervisor of election race
GAGeorgia New voting locations set before sales tax voteGeorgia Poll worker training videos to be shot in Athens
INIndiana St. Joseph Co. Dem voter registration official says office didn't run controversial cost projections
IAIowa New voting machines after ballot surgeIowa Absentee ballots force Black Hawk Co. to buy new vote-counting equipmentIowa Upcoming school vote tests new model for Scott Co. electionsIowa Iowa will follow Nebraska in offering online voter registration
MAMassachusetts Springfield candidate objects to poll site named for opponent
MIMichigan Clinton Township upgrades booths for disabled voters
MSMississippi Voter feels primary system disenfranchises
MOMissouri County clerk preparing for busy election year
NENebraska Online voter registration is coming to NebraskaNebraska No ballot selfies in Nebraska, secretary of state says
NVNevada Judge tossed off Nevada voter-access squabble
NHNew Hampshire Primary first to require photo lawNew Hampshire Shuttered resort still plans to host midnight voting for presidential primary
NJNew Jersey Voting laws may be left to voters
NMNew Mexico Deputy secretary upkeeps business as usual at embattled officeNew Mexico Legislative committee to begin work on Duran's possible impeachment
NCNorth Carolina Board of elections prepares for municipal raceNorth Carolina Newton elections board director retiresNorth Carolina Fewer polling sites for October electionNorth Carolina Election officials prepare for potential primary changesNorth Carolina Single primary could save millions
OHOhio Judge lets Dems join Ohio lawsuit over voting changesOhio Summit elections board to investigate free postage, collection flierOhio County plans new voting technology by 2016
OROregon Field gets crowded as Devlin plans to run for SoS
PAPennsylvania MoCo reporting positive numbers for OVR
TXTexas County elections administrator office establishedTexas County to adopt countywide polling sites this fall
UTUtah Cedar Hill recount ends in tie
VAVirginia Two Campbell Co. voting precincts to change locations
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