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Thursday September 10, 2015
ALAlabama Secretary of state to discuss Dothan's election issue in wake of voter fraud convictions
AZArizona Officials, Phoenix Mercury out to engage voters of tomorrowArizona BOS discusses new voting equipment
CACalifornia Election recount bill approved
COColorado Secretary of state encourages voter registration
CTConnecticut Voting officials are heading back to schoolConnecticut Merrill unveils certification programConnecticut State leaders to unveil program for registrars of votersConnecticut Election officials to require certificationConnecticut Registrars of voters begin school Monday in Conn.
GAGeorgia New equipment approved as county gears up for 2016Georgia Savannah State library will be hub for National Voter Registration Day
INIndiana The reason people don't vote
KSKansas Kobach to debate ID laws with KU professorKansas Kobach, ACLU battle over proof-of-citizenship law
LALouisiana iPad voting may be coming to LouisianaLouisiana Schedler, Tyson square off in secretary of state raceLouisiana Are Louisiana voting booth selfies legal?
MAMassachusetts Pawtucketville voting precinct confusion resolved--for now
MIMichigan Clerk denies allegations of inflated voter registration
MTMontana Stapleton to run for secretary of state
NVNevada Asian-Latino coalition aims to register minority voters in Nevada
NJNew Jersey Union Co. clerk advocates for public leadership program
NMNew Mexico House speaker names panel to investigate DuranNew Mexico First rule for Duran impeachment panel: No politics
NYNew York Primary day across the state on Thursday
NCNorth Carolina New elections director hiredNorth Carolina State approves change in voting locationNorth Carolina Legislature still undecided about 2016 primary calendar
PAPennsylvania Pa. voters enjoy benefits of online registrationPennsylvania Marisa Crispell back as Luzerne Co. election director
TNTennessee County election commission eliminates some precinctsTennessee Galen Museum precinct moved to Macon Co. High School
TXTexas Open house scheduled for new voting machinesTexas Upshur seeks elections chief
UTUtah Navajo official expresses mail-in ballot concerns
VAVirginia Hearing held on state election law
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