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September 12 - 14, 2015
AZArizona City proposes change in voting process
CACalifornia No more voting at Mizell Senior Center?California Sacramento Co. seeks review of elections office
COColorado Foundation: Pitkin has more voters than people
CTConnecticut Absentee ballot chaos in mayor's race
FLFlorida Collier schools compete in annual voter registration challengeFlorida Advocates hope to get felon voting rights on 2016 ballotFlorida Judge wants proposed congressional maps by MondayFlorida Voting by mail increases in Cape CoralFlorida Some Fort Myers residents turned away from early voting
GAGeorgia County to consolidate voting precincts
ILIllinois Voters show up at Quincy polls despite legionnaires outbreakIllinois National Voter Registration Day approaching
INIndiana Fewer voting this fall
IAIowa After vote discrepancy found, Wittman wins seat
KSKansas Dual voter registration system in Kansas is illegal and should be dumped, ACLU saysKansas Kansas voter fraud cases likely coming soon
MEMaine Keene committee hears group's appeal for limited ballot audits
MAMassachusetts Single polling place backed in Danvers
MTMontana Tuesday voting 'tune-up' for Missoula city council elections
NVNevada Navigating outdated systems to vote in Nevada
NJNew Jersey Union Co. clerk redesigns election ballots
NYNew York Abysmal primary turnout is the normNew York Wiltshire: 'Irregularities' in Troy polling place
NCNorth Carolina Early voting ballots hit record high in Charlotte races
OHOhio Geauga Co. elections board unveils new websiteOhio Brown Co. BOE hires new deputy directorOhio Demolition to displace polling place for 5K voters
PAPennsylvania Local voters use online voter registration
RIRhode Island Common Cause objects to BOE closed-door session
TNTennessee Local students experience democracyTennessee Election commission votes not to hear from publicTennessee Hargett's office launches voter registration effortTennessee Commission to consider voting place change
TXTexas Comal Co. residents give new voting machines a test drive
USVIUS Virgin Islands St. Croix elections members boycott joint board meeting
VAVirginia Suffolk replaces voting machinesVirginia Voter registration office tests new voting equipment
WIWisconsin Republican leaders eye GAB reformWisconsin Wisconsin legislative session to focus on elections board reform
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