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Wednesday October 7, 2015
ALAlabama Governor says decision to close driver's license offices not race-basedAlabama Lowndes Co. leaders ask for more diversity on board of registrarsAlabama Chance meeting sees Jesse Jackson and Merrill meet and discuss DMV closingsAlabama Last election for Daniel BaxterAlabama Commission approves polling place changes
AKAlaska New voting machines testedAlaska Borough mayor's race too close to call
ARArkansas Funding approved for additional Washington Co. voting machines
CTConnecticut Voting districts have totals audited
DCDistrict of Columbia New Voting Rights Institute allowing G-town students to work on cases
FLFlorida Gill warns of calls from vote centerFlorida Brevard SOE announces winners of annual Launch the Vote student art contestFlorida Harrington says audit will prompt change
IDIdaho Bonneville announces new voter precincts
ILIllinois Early voting starts, attracts 102 in Lake Co.Illinois Sangamon Co. beginning to verify voter registration
INIndiana Election Day tech offers convenience, raises concerns
KSKansas Davis rejects GOP call to step aside from voting rights caseKansas Lawsuit over voter rules to be discussedKansas GOP senator denounces critics of Kansas voting lawKansas Douglas Co. clerk urges cleanup of law moving date of local elections
LALouisiana NAACP challenge of Terrebonne Parish voting methods filed
MIMichigan New city clerk brings experience to position
MSMississippi Forrest Co. receives reimbursement for voting machinesMississippi Hinds absentee ballots muddle election initiativeMississippi Jackson councilman unhappy about polling changes
MOMissouri Gasconade Co. official remains hopeful of finding poll workers for 2016 elections
MTMontana Polling place to change for some Bozeman residents
NHNew Hampshire Poll: 30-day residency requirement favored by nearly 2-1 margin
NJNew Jersey Judge halts ballot printing until court rules on candidate
NYNew York Borough faces shortage of voting machines
NCNorth Carolina Changes could affect Lee votersNorth Carolina Automated Asheville voter system had problems, shut down
OHOhio Hamilton Co. BOE investigating possible voter registration fraud
PAPennsylvania Online voter registration system could see delaysPennsylvania Pa.'s new OVR system draws thousandsPennsylvania More than 32K use state's OVR system in just six weeksPennsylvania Startup uses Philly barbers to shape up black male voter turnoutPennsylvania Philadelphia's election watchdog on trail of city's top elections official
SCSouth Carolina Director: Pickens Co. elections office will run out of money
TXTexas Nirenberg attempts to reverse decades of voter apathy
UTUtah County to conduct first vote-by-mail electionUtah 402K ballots mailed
VAVirginia Reprinting Prince William election ballots could cost thousandsVirginia Use of electronic signatures for Va. absentee-ballot requests causes alarmVirginia Republicans take electronic voter fraud concerns to state boardVirginia E-signatures for absentee ballots spark debate at elections boardVirginia State board prepares for upcoming election
WVWest Virginia Ohio Co. commission OKs voting machines
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