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Wednesday October 14, 2015
National NewsNational News how electronic voting could improve voters' trustNational News Study: U.S. voters face short waits, but voting methods are changing
ALAlabama Alabama driver's license offices could reopen under Bentley plan
AZArizona Justices set day to hear case on Arizona redistrictingArizona Voters in Tucson and Oro Valley: Mark both sides of your ballot
CACalifornia County tests 'all mail' voting methodCalifornia What you need to know about San Mateo's new all-mail electionCalifornia High court declines appeal over California's top-two primary
COColorado Colorado testing new voting machines next month
FLFlorida County tweaks voting machine dealFlorida Fort Myers continues push against absentee ballotsFlorida Council agrees to push town election to March 15
ILIllinois Automatic voter registration bill could add 2.3M votersIllinois Illinois voter registration change debatedIllinois Proposal seeks to pre-register teens
INIndiana Vote centers coming in 2016Indiana Voting machines ready for early voting, election dayIndiana Ballot selfie law faces scrutiny from judgeIndiana Two voting centers to open before Terre Haute election
KSKansas Kobach charges three with voting crimesKansas Kobach files voter fraud cases in Johnson Co.
MDMaryland Early voting sites the focus of upcoming debate in Annapolis
NHNew Hampshire Huge voter turnout leads to ballot shortage in Derry special election
NJNew Jersey Judge rules for changes to be made on referendum moving Jersey City electionsNew Jersey Atlantic Co. rejecting ballot applications partially filled out by super PAC
NYNew York BOE co-chair questions annual payments
NCNorth Carolina Elections board implements changes after voter's ballots made publicNorth Carolina Forsyth advertising elections director position again
OHOhio Felon voting rights in OhioOhio Why Boehner's resignation may cost Butler Co. taxpayers $1MOhio Hundreds turn out for early votingOhio New Carlisle Elementary School no longer poll option
TNTennessee Knoxville group works to get young adults to vote
TXTexas Weslaco city commissioner charged with voter fraudTexas Countywide vote centers launched in Fort Bend
VAVirginia Ouster of Botetourt's voter registrar was not political, board members say
WIWisconsin GAB kept on defensive at public hearingWisconsin Wisconsin Dems pull support of OVRWisconsin Democrats jump ship on OVRWisconsin Lawmakers spar over GAB overhaulWisconsin Lawmakers clash on dismantling GABWisconsin City council approves new voting site
WYWyoming Longtime Wyoming elections director steps down
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