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October 24 - 26, 2015
National NewsNational News Voter ID foes stress legal cost in new tacticNational News Rock the Vote still hip, still needed after 25 years
ALAlabama NAACP president blocks Merrill from giving out voter registration posters
AZArizona New ballot envelopes still secure, but cost less
CACalifornia Sacramento Co. elections chief tied to group chosen to review her officeCalifornia Ranked-choice voting linked to lower voter turnoutCalifornia San Francisco could lead on open source voting
COColorado Clerk's office has 2K+ ballots backColorado Boulder Co. opening more voter service and polling centers
CTConnecticut Merrill hires applicant with political ties over three ranked higher by selection panelConnecticut Nov. 3 ballot expected to be longest in recent history
FLFlorida State has 45 witnesses in Kimberle Weeks' case
GAGeorgia Officials: Old voting machines still goodGeorgia Macon-Bibb committee to vote on proposed site for BOE office
HIHawaii Judge OKs election
INIndiana Hammond write-in candidate complains ballot has no write-in areaIndiana Early Courthouse voters appreciate opportunityIndiana Clerk responds to voter's complaint about phrasing of letter
KSKansas College course on voter registration is proposed in Kansas
KYKentucky SoS race pits incumbent against former councilman
LALouisiana Malfunctioning voting booth at Baton Rouge voting site leads to long waist for some votersLouisiana 28 Jefferson polling sites change for disabled votersLouisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler re-electedLouisiana Election day weather worriesLouisiana Voter apathy a real concern after low turnout at pollsLouisiana Rain does not hinder Caddo voters
MEMaine South Portland names new clerk
MDMaryland Montgomery Co. early voting site dispute settled with OK from state board
MNMinnesota Duluth mulls ranked-choice elections
MSMississippi Dueling initiatives baffle voters
NHNew Hampshire State law bars write-ins from using stickers
NJNew Jersey Judge issues stay on new vote-by-mail applications until Monday
NMNew Mexico Duran's long political career comes to incongruous endNew Mexico New Mexico secretary of state resigns, enters guilty pleaNew Mexico Duran's downfall ended 36-year careerNew Mexico Governor to pick Duran's replacementNew Mexico Duran's out, here's what will happen next
NYNew York State corruption prompts special elections, but little debateNew York Final legal effort denies Barrett tie-breaking ballotNew York BOCES, BOE partner to service voters and enhance security
NCNorth Carolina Judge refuses to dismiss NC voter ID challengeNorth Carolina Federal lawsuits over NC voter ID mandate stay alive
PAPennsylvania Voting advocates turn Philly election into lotteryPennsylvania Pa. elections official: Positive reaction to OVR
TNTennessee Election commission certifies results of Oct. 8 Memphis electionsTennessee Bipartisan effort wants more Nashville teens voting
TXTexas New elections department facility ready for NovemberTexas Vote centers OK'd for 2016
VTVermont Now online: Voter registration, election tools, reports
VAVirginia Paper ballots return for Nov. 3 general electionVirginia Teens arrive a tad early to register for 2016 electionsVirginia Fairfax Co. schools to open late for 2016 presidential primary
WAWashington King Co. acknowledges using cardboard boxes to collect ballots
WIWisconsin New Life Assembly of God again to be considered for voting site
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