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Wednesday October 28, 2015
ALAlabama Merrill: Alabama working to finally comply with motor voter rulesAlabama Coffee Co. registrars attend training
AKAlaska Mat-Su Borough rejects defeated candidate's election challenge
COColorado Secretary of state warns against mailing ballotsColorado Postal service urges voters to mail ballots nowColorado County clerks worry about mail-ballot delays, urge voters to use dropoff boxesColorado Denver mail, AdCo, ArapCo officials counter warning that it's too late to mail election ballots
FLFlorida Senate changes map amid Miami-Dade questions
GAGeorgia Bibb Co. may move BOE office
INIndiana Porter Co. council attorney to give opinion on unapproved poll book purchaseIndiana Council won't sign off on election board's '16 budget
KSKansas Hearing set on Kansas voting rights
KYKentucky Secretary of state candidates, where they standKentucky Kentucky county clerks give voters Election Day tips
LALouisiana Election returns gathered for certification from voting machinesLouisiana Schedler says frustrations 'no reason' not to vote, hopes for higher turnout in runoff
MDMaryland Redistricting reform commission reaches consensus on new independent process
MAMassachusetts Boston readies for citywide municipal election
MIMichigan Trenton city clerk to retire after serving for more than two decadesMichigan Slower mail delivery may prevent some absentee ballots from being counted
MSMississippi Some voting precincts changeMississippi State official brings mock elections to high schools to promote the vote
MTMontana Student Voter Day pushes more people to the pollsMontana Broadview voters to get a replacement ballotMontana Cruzado wants Montana State to offer on-campus polls
NMNew Mexico Lining up for the job
NYNew York Chinese-American students file lawsuit alleging voter intimidation
NCNorth Carolina Challenges for student voters outlined at teach-inNorth Carolina Forsyth needs at least 10 early voting sites in March
TXTexas New voting app has LWV guideTexas Voting centers to be used in Ector Co.Texas County approves pay hike for election workers
UTUtah Utah GOP believes it has gutted election-reform law
VAVirginia New voting machines in region
WIWisconsin When Milwaukee Co. residents go to the polls next, voting will be a different experienceWisconsin Future of bill to dismantle GAB unclear
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