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Wednesday November 4, 2015
National NewsNational News Democracy for everyone: Designing a better voting machineNational News Dems pound drum for voting rights updateNational News 2016 voting season kicks off Army-wide push for registrationNational News Congressional Dems launch new strategy on voting rightsNational News House Democrats push for voting rights bill
ALAlabama Jefferson Co. has a plan to make getting a voter ID easier
AZArizona Officials: Maricopa Co. voting machines in good shapeArizona Software plagues election night resultsArizona Software blamed for slow Pima Co. election results
CACalifornia Election Day snafu sparks frustration at District 3 polling placeCalifornia Carlsbad looks into election costs, datesCalifornia Be prepared to wait (and wait) for some election outcomesCalifornia San Mateo Co. processes mail-in ballots on Election Day
COColorado Election Day puts new voting system to the test
CTConnecticut Voting slow in Windham Co. on Election Day
DCDistrict of Columbia 16-yr-olds could vote for president under proposal
FLFlorida Register to vote at PBC library sitesFlorida Low voter turnout, polling place confusion in Orlando electionsFlorida The case to erase 'absentee ballot' from Florida voting jargon
GAGeorgia Voters have issues with machines at polling placesGeorgia Leggett campaign says they might 'raise hell' over polling place improprietiesGeorgia Fayette voting rights trial postponedGeorgia Monitor to oversee Arlington election after controversyGeorgia Secretary of state office confirms Forest Park election investigationGeorgia DeKalb voters mistakenly excluded from LaVista HillsGeorgia Splint precincts create confusion on cityhood voteGeorgia NAACP files suit to stop voter purges in Hamilton Co.Georgia Macon-Bibb mayor to sign lease for new BOE office
IDIdaho Locked door delays polling site's openingIdaho How did the first snowfall impact voter turnout
INIndiana Election: 'Lot of time on our hands'Indiana Some glitches, but voting slow and steadyIndiana Poll worker killed in street on Far SouthsideIndiana Polling locations open with few problemsIndiana Teens vote for first timeIndiana Portage polls open lateIndiana Poll workers happy to help, find ways to pass timeIndiana Programming error slows absentee ballot counting in Clark Co.Indiana Voter turnout doubles primary, complaints fewIndiana Snacks, refreshments await some voters after casting ballotsIndiana Japser mayoral vote ends in tieIndiana Too young to vote, but not too young to get involvedIndiana Some county residents confused with votingIndiana Early problems push voting to 7pm in PortageIndiana Election Day voting goes smoothlyIndiana Residents, poll workers express frustration with early voter turnout
IAIowa Voters use new voting machine
KYKentucky Voter fraud hotline receives 14 complaintsKentucky School board race left off Bell Co. ballotKentucky Court order required after voting machine malfunctionKentucky Grimes narrowly wins second term as secretary of stateKentucky Grimes 'humbled' by re-election
MEMaine Maine SOS says filming signature gatherers at polls not illegal
MDMaryland Electronic voting machines result in quicker College Park election results
MAMassachusetts Poll workers say voter turnout was underwhelmingMassachusetts Election officials bristle over costs of early votingMassachusetts Polling place in Springfield ran out of ballots
MIMichigan New election workers energize Riverview elections
MNMinnesota Judges incorrectly asked for ID at one St. Cloud precinctMinnesota Duluth voters reject ranked choice votingMinnesota Ranked choice voting does not pass in Duluth
MSMississippi Voting issues reported to secretary of state's officeMississippi Non-partisan food: Eggville poll workers happy to share on Election DayMississippi No widespread problems reported with 42 ballotMississippi Hosemann re-elected secretary of state
MOMissouri St. Louis startup could save you time in the voting boothMissouri New voting machines popular at polls
NHNew Hampshire 2 Manchester polling places experience scanner issuesNew Hampshire Federal investigation of Concord raises questions about voting accessibility in NH
NJNew Jersey Provisional ballots not delivered to polling placesNew Jersey Election Day monitors to be deployed by NJ and fedsNew Jersey Mount Laurel BoE thankful for polling location changesNew Jersey Poll worker told voter machines were separated by party
NYNew York North Utica polling place remained open after crash left neighborhood without powerNew York Albany Pine Hills voters could find difficult walk to pollsNew York Supreme Court says Browning votes won' countNew York Suffolk elections board fills vacancyNew York Mostly elderly poll inspectors working 16-hour day
NCNorth Carolina Forsyth election officials discuss early voting sitesNorth Carolina Election Director: 'It's been a pretty smooth day'
OHOhio Problems, delays at 10 polling stationsOhio Husted: Lack of preparation for poll workers lead to tech glitchOhio Minor problems at polling placesOhio Cuyahoga Co. runs pilot program with e-poll books at four locationsOhio Sahloff named to Putnam elections boardOhio Voters angry after problems at Hamilton Co. pollsOhio Problems with electronic sign-ins reported at pollsOhio Teens help out at polls--for a day off school and $100Ohio Cincinnati area voting till 9pmOhio Fairless runners lend hand to election workersOhio Judge extends Hamilton Co. voting until 9pmOhio At one polling place, locked doorsOhio Poll workers deal with extended hours
PAPennsylvania Election official a no-show at North Versailles polling placePennsylvania York's hall of fame voters, a breed apartPennsylvania Minor problems reported at two polling placesPennsylvania Power outage affects voting at Waynesboro precinctPennsylvania 18-year-old voter: 'A good first experience'Pennsylvania Election judge accused of taking off with voting equipmentPennsylvania Polling problems in Kingston day's only glitch
SCSouth Carolina Some voters turned way from polls based on city, town limitsSouth Carolina 106-year-old says she never misses an election
SDSouth Dakota Only 27 voters used state's $668K program to help military members vote
TNTennessee Museum to become new polling site
TXTexas Metro and Uber offering free polling place ridesTexas Travis Co. elections process criticizedTexas Voting centers running smoothlyTexas Voters can vote at any polling locationTexas Voters report problems at polling locations, frustrated with long linesTexas Heavy rains put a damper on voting in San PerlitaTexas Malfunctioning voting machines raise ire at precinctTexas After several tries, vote machines fixedTexas Smith Co. results delayed by new process and technical glitchTexas In Texas, homeless residents face obstacles to votingTexas Election Day proves busy at voting centersTexas Voting centers create new convenience for Smith Co. votersTexas Back up generators allow for voting in the dark
UTUtah Judge strikes down part of law forcing open primaries
VAVirginia Charlottesville, Albemarle see fewer voters Election Day morningVirginia Glitch causes some delays in Prince William Co.Virginia Roanoke wrestles with Election Day technology woes as voters are slow to turn outVirginia Voting software problems at Roanoke precinct cause multi-hour delayVirginia New paper ballots receiving mixed reviewsVirginia Voters unimpressed with new ballot machines, says registrarsVirginia Two polling spots do not meet ADA requirementsVirginia Early voting slowed by poll book glitch in RichmondVirginia Problems fixed at Virginia Heights polling station in RoanokeVirginia New voting machines in Newport NewsVirginia Paper ballots replace electronic voting machinesVirginia Power back on at Giles Co. polling placesVirginia VB official says paper ballots working smoothlyVirginia A few glitches at local polling places
WAWashington Return of mail-in ballots delayed by Post Office
WVWest Virginia Online system boosts voter registration submissionsWest Virginia West Virginia's new online registration clicks with votersWest Virginia Tennant talks to students about voter registration at Fayette Co. high school
WIWisconsin City uses Election Day to remind voters to bring ID to the pollsWisconsin Greenville's first look at voting with new voter ID lawWisconsin Senate to take up election board changes on Friday
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