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Tuesday November 10, 2015
National NewsNational News Democrats push for automatic voter registration
AZArizona USGD passes resolution encouraging student IDs for voter registrationArizona Ballot hand count confirms election results
ARArkansas Sebastian Co. election commission discusses new equipment, poll worker training
CACalifornia California launches a voting program to honor veterans
CTConnecticut Outcome unchanged after recount
FLFlorida Proposed amendment would restore felons' voting rightsFlorida Proposed bill would put greater scrutiny on voter purgesFlorida Florida's redistricting process causing some worry among elections officialsFlorida Florida's elections chief hoping for record-breaking voter turnout in 2016
GAGeorgia Election officials miscounted LaVista Hills cityhood voteGeorgia Secrets and lies in LaVistsa HillsGeorgia Chatham Co. BOE to make improvements in time for runoff
GUGuam Bordallo plans to amend Organic Act to allow election reform
IDIdaho Ada Co. tallies uncounted Meridian ballots
LALouisiana Inmates awaiting trial have right to vote, but few do in Lafayette, other Louisiana parishesLouisiana Local leaders issue voting challenge
MNMinnesota Ranked choice runoff wraps up St. Paul council race
MSMississippi Pearson questions election results
MOMissouri Cherokee Co. to double check voter rolls
NJNew Jersey Prieto irritated by Christie veto of Democracy ActNew Jersey Christie vetoes changes to NJ voting lawsNew Jersey Provisional ballots counted for close racesNew Jersey Christie vetoes Democracy Act
NCNorth Carolina Opponents file new complaint on photo ID lawNorth Carolina Voting map mistake casts doubt on election resultsNorth Carolina DSG, GPSC urge creation of on-campus voting siteNorth Carolina Two candidates ask for a recount
OHOhio Board: More than one problem plagued Hamilton Co.Ohio Hearing set on poll problemsOhio Vendor error removed 11K voters from e-rolls on Election Day
PAPennsylvania Complaints filed over alleged misconduct
SCSouth Carolina Stephens Co. settles provisional ballot issue
TXTexas North Texas woman arrested for voter fraudTexas Commissioners to canvas votes, set hearing to get feedback on new voting centers
VAVirginia Recount requested in FredericksburgVirginia Challenger contests election
WIWisconsin Judge criticizes proposed changes to GABWisconsin Details on elections board changes delayed
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