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Wednesday November 11, 2015
National NewsNational News 'The Daily Show' has a solution for America's outdated voting machinesNational News Seeing voting rights under siege, Philip Glass rewrites an operaNational News Federal lawsuit filed for US territories to vote for presidentNational News Going to the polls stresses voters out
ALAlabama Olivia Reynolds apologizes for voter fraud convictions
AZArizona Tucson's election system illegally favors Democrats
ARArkansas Benton Co. legislative committee approves vote centers
CACalifornia Modesto council disciplines city clerk
CTConnecticut Stamford election results changed by recount
DCDistrict of Columbia Bill aims to lower voting age
FLFlorida Study: Voting equipment in some Firs Coast counties outdatedFlorida County to receive grant for new voting machinesFlorida Clay County's 'election geek' supervisor registers more than 90 percent of potential votersFlorida Honor a Madison Co. veteranFlorida 15 years after big recount, new machines readied
GAGeorgia NAACP sues Ga. county for purging black votersGeorgia Puerto Ricans may be key for bilingual ballots in GeorgiaGeorgia Sparks fly at Floyd Co. elections board meetingGeorgia Irregularities investigated in Chatham Co.
GUGuam Group files federal lawsuit
IAIowa Students opt out of voter participation
KSKansas Some south Kansas counties have over 100 percent voter registration
KYKentucky Union Co. approves poll worker raise
MIMichigan Straight-ticket voting ban speeds through Michigan SenateMichigan Lansing plans voting changes for 2016
MSMississippi Candidate claims election officials can't count
MOMissouri Hermann Ward 1 voters now have new polling placeMissouri Gasconade Co. election judges get familiar with new voting equipment
MTMontana Provisional ballots don't change outcome
NYNew York County BOE building security questioned
NCNorth Carolina Coin toss breaks tie in town commissioner race
OHOhio BOE holds special meeting to iron out problems with e-poll booksOhio E-poll book vendor takes responsibility for some election night problemsOhio County election officials pledge to fix voting problemsOhio Hamilton Co. BOE to pay poll workers for overtime hours
PAPennsylvania Could phony ballot get Philly ethics board attention?
SCSouth Carolina New voting machines in SC possibly by 2017South Carolina Committee meets to discuss new voting machines
TNTennessee Decatur, Hartselle voters moved to new voting locations
TXTexas Public hearings set to gauge countywide vote center success
USVIUS Virgin Islands AG Walker says voters must feed ballots themselves
UTUtah GOP wants to let Utah judge settle election dispute
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