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Thursday November 19, 2015
ARArkansas New voting machines arrive in Boone Co.Arkansas Machines promise smoother elections
FLFlorida Some Florida voting machines not replaced since Bush v. GoreFlorida New voting machines arriveFlorida Senate sends combination map to court
GAGeorgia 'Clerical error' in data breach involving 6 million votersGeorgia Georgia secretary of state to increase presence during Savannah runoffsGeorgia Clinch Co. BOE investigated
ILIllinois New state law has Kendall Co. clerk seeking 500 election judges
IAIowa Runoff absentee ballot information corrected
KSKansas Attorneys seek class action status for voter registration lawsuitKansas Kobach's plan to remove 36K suspended voters may be headed for class action
MEMaine Maine validates petition for ranked-choice voting systemMaine Maine election officials certify ranked-choice voting proposal for 2016 ballot
MDMaryland This Baltimore entrepreneur wants you to voteMaryland Proposed laws for MoCo focus on election regulations
MAMassachusetts Longtime Quincy Clerk Joe Shea to retire early next yearMassachusetts Worcester officials to poll residents about early votingMassachusetts Early voting coming to Massachusetts in 2016
MSMississippi Precinct polling move, split get DeSoto OK
NVNevada Now what? Court finds Reno election system unconstitutional
NJNew Jersey Judge OKs recount in tight Salem Co. freeholder electionNew Jersey Morristown and Morris Township candidates file for recounts
NMNew Mexico Recount produces no change
NYNew York New York State Bar Assoc. calls for modernization of voting systemNew York State panel looks at ways to make voting easier
NCNorth Carolina Former Charlotte mayor could return to face voter fraud charges
OHOhio Nearly 900 absentee ballots in Summit Co. thrown out for lack of postmarkOhio Eleven percent of Stark provisional ballots cast by unregistered votersOhio Summit elections board to hold hearing on racial bias complaint
PAPennsylvania Election board OKs increase in rental fees for polling sites
SCSouth Carolina Election of Darlington mayor ends in tie
UTUtah Bill would end two-week wait for Utah election updatesUtah Judge's ruling may leave Independent voters out in the cold
WVWest Virginia Online voter registration a success across the Mountain State
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