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Thursday December 3, 2015
ALAlabama Federal lawsuit challenges voter ID lawAlabama Groups sue over Alabama voter ID lawAlabama Secretary of state 'disappointed' by NAACP lawsuit
AKAlaska Juneau Assembly to weigh costs, benefits of special election
AZArizona Last voter outreach for 2015 set for Saturday
CACalifornia Padilla urges Mission Bay High students to voteCalifornia Vote-by-mail deemed a success
FLFlorida Clay voting officials ready for 2016 electionsFlorida Fla. Supreme Court approves new redistricting map
GAGeorgia West Point mayoral candidate calls for recountGeorgia Fired employee says he's a scapegoat in data breachGeorgia Governor won't investigate Kemp over data breach
KSKansas Former Olathe man pleads guilty in unlawful voting case
MDMaryland Hogan questions reliability of new voting system
MIMichigan House to take up absentee, straight-ticket voting todayMichigan No-reason absentee injected into debate over straight-ticket votingMichigan Committee OKs no-excuse absentee voting
NMNew Mexico City of Las Cruces issues $5,400 recount billNew Mexico Tenth Circuit overturns sanctions in voting rights case
NYNew York County elections commissioners concerned about budget request denial
OHOhio Lawmaker wants to stop purging inactive voters
SCSouth Carolina BOE chairman apologizes for forwarding partisan emailSouth Carolina Stephens Co. names new elections chief
TNTennessee New election fund established to balance annual costsTennessee Local man accused of voting in three states
TXTexas Senate panel calls for clear ballot language on local referendumsTexas County considers countywide vote centers
UTUtah Report offers few answers to increasing voter turnout in UtahUtah Voting by mail increased Utah turnout by 52 percentUtah Why don't Utahns vote? It's complicated
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