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December 12 - 14, 2015
National NewsNational News 7 YA chads in honor of the 15th anniversary of the hanging chad
AKAlaska Anchorage-based group works to get voting registration attached to PFD application on 2016 ballot
AZArizona Greenlee elections to be 'quite different' moving forward
CACalifornia County registrar cleans up the voter rolls
FLFlorida Elections office announces winners of Art for Democracy contestFlorida Groups push ballot measures, but do long voter lines await?
GAGeorgia Details of massive data breach in Georgia coming Monday
ILIllinois Former alderman applying for board of elections commissionerIllinois Chicago civil-rights attorney vies for BOE post
INIndiana Commission to review recount of Mitchell mayoral race
MDMaryland Dems propose automatic voter registrationMaryland Maryland officials insist new voting machines on track despite warnings
MIMichigan Detroit city clerk, voting rights advocates come out against 'unnecessary' elections billsMichigan Election law reforms bode big changes for 2016Michigan 'People may get angry' with long lines under straight-ticket voting ban
MNMinnesota SoS wants to replace aging voting machines
NMNew Mexico Disgraced New Mexico politician awaits sentencing
NCNorth Carolina Michael Boose resigns from Cumberland elections boardNorth Carolina 2015 became a busy election year for Forsyth Co.North Carolina Sunday voting? Maybe if benefit can outweigh cost
OHOhio Husted insists voting problems will be fixedOhio Hamilton Co. BOE promises fixes after 83% of poll sites report problemsOhio Report: 8 of 10 polling places had problemsOhio Hamilton Co. election officials have a roadmap to avoid e-poll snafus in the futureOhio Husted, postal officials eye solution to ballot problem that plagued Summit Co.
PAPennsylvania Pa. online voter registration wins state tech awardPennsylvania Elections worker eager to begin next chapter as retireePennsylvania Three members set to leave Luzerne Co. election board
RIRhode Island No shortage of acrimony on Rhode Island BOE
TNTennessee State Rep. GA Hardaway wants Holden firedTennessee After Holden's retirement, Shelby Co. seeks new elections administrator
UTUtah County commission tables decision on countywide vote-by-mail
WVWest Virginia Mac Warner announces secretary of state run from Afghanistan
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