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Tuesday December 15, 2015
ArkaArka Quorum court to discuss vote centers
AKAlaska Ballot initiative seeks to register voters during PFD seasonAlaska Ballot initiative seeks to streamline PFD, voter registration process
AZArizona Beer-pong balls will decide Arizona ballot order
CACalifornia New voter registration database
COColorado Colorado poised to overhaul voting system
GAGeorgia New details on Ga. secretary of state office's massive data breachGeorgia Report blames IT worker for data breach
MAMassachusetts Worcester recount never held, but costs city $5575
MNMinnesota Outdated voting machines questioned
MSMississippi Confusion over attorney for Madison Co. election commission
MOMissouri Rep. Dunn pre-files legislation on automatic voter registration
NMNew Mexico Ex-secretary of state sentenced to 30 days in jailNew Mexico Gov. Martinez to appoint Brad Winter as secretary of state
NYNew York Michael Torres files federal suit over firing by elections boardNew York Castorina resigns from BOE to prep for Assembly run
NCNorth Carolina Leaders meet after Buncombe Co. reduces voting hoursNorth Carolina Cumberland Co. election night dramaNorth Carolina Federal court to scrutinize Wake Co. election lines
TXTexas New letters meant to help voters cause some confusionTexas Commissioners approve extended early voting hours
VAVirginia Voting machine upgrades fundedVirginia Judge suggests conditional ruling on Va. congressional districts
WAWashington Return of the dropbox(es)? King Co. council promises more
WIWisconsin Democratic lawmaker says Republican-backed bills are an early Christmas gift to special interest groups
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