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Wednesday December 30, 2015
CACalifornia California elections officials probe voter data breach claimsCalifornia State officials investigating potential data leak on millions of California voters
INIndiana Preview voting centers MondayIndiana Sen. Tallian aims to make voting easier in Indiana
KSKansas LWV keeps close eye on incomplete voter registrations
KYKentucky No felons had rights restored
LALouisiana Secretary of state plans to replace voting machines with iPads
MEMaine Maine voters' data ended up in a mysterious database
MDMaryland City to host voting demonstrations on new ballot system
MNMinnesota House-Senate panel recommends election-emergency legislation
NMNew Mexico Online voter registration is coming to New Mexico
NCNorth Carolina Iredell elections board to hold emergency meeting
OHOhio Akron-area officials skeptical that envelope change may solve absentee ballot postmark problemOhio More than 100 Portage voters notified their ballots were voidedOhio Postal officials stand up Summit Co. elections boardOhio Elections board needs additional poll workersOhio County approves added funding for election panel
OKOklahoma Commissioners approve polling places, times for early voting
TXTexas Voter cards set to be reiussed due to misprintTexas County expects answer soon on future of vote centers
WVWest Virginia Cabell commission OKs precinct changes
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