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Friday January 15, 2016
AKAlaska PFD voter initiative nets needed signatures for ballotAlaska PFD voter registration campaign awaits election dateAlaska Anchorage election deadlines changed
CACalifornia VoteCal reaches critical milestoneCalifornia Take pictures with your ballot? It's illegal, but not for long...
CTConnecticut New survey reveals improvements in state's voting access
DEDelaware Kent Co. gets ready for 2016 election season
FLFlorida Analysts say 14 PBC residents voted twice in 2014Florida City prepares to vote on potential election day move
GAGeorgia Fractious Fayette voting fight comes to an endGeorgia Groups ask Gwinnett, Hall counties to provide Spanish ballotsGeorgia Elections office gears up for primaries
INIndiana New voting machines are inIndiana Jeffersonville city councilman who won recount asking for special election trialIndiana Vote centers on the verge of becoming reality
MDMaryland Frederick Co. makes transition to new voting systemMaryland More than 40K ex-felons could regain their voting rightsMaryland New voting system for 2016 elections
MAMassachusetts Special election drive halted
MSMississippi Sojourner: 'Re-tabulate vote, name me senator'Mississippi State House might count 1 vote in disputed electionMississippi Ex-state senator questions election process in 2 counties
MOMissouri Voter photo ID bill advances to House floorMissouri Area election officials support voter photo ID legislationMissouri Schaff: Restore voting rights to ex-felons
NHNew Hampshire Logistical concerns for upcoming election
NMNew Mexico Some concerned over few early voting sites for APS bond election
NYNew York To increase turnout Cuomo eyes automatic voter registrationNew York Cuomo pitches early voting, automatic voter registrationNew York Hasidic voters win settlement in Bloominburg
NCNorth Carolina Polk hires new board of elections directorNorth Carolina NAACP wants voter ID trial delayed if injunction deniedNorth Carolina NC board, NAACP deliver conflicting messages on voter ID
OHOhio Husted saves mail from haters and fansOhio Northeast Ohio lawmaker honored for safeguarding voters' rights
OKOklahoma Election board announces new polling location
PAPennsylvania Meeting sought over voting plan
TNTennessee Carson-Newman University exhibit focuses on voting rights
VAVirginia City moves Hampton East precinct polling placeVirginia Judge refuses to block GOP loyalty pledge
WAWashington Auditor's office closures frustrate commissioners
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