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Thursday January 28, 2016
ALAlabama Online voting for military members from Alabama serving overseas
COColorado Crane to serve as president of Colorado County Clerk's Association president
CTConnecticut Andover Democratic registrar resigns
FLFlorida See your vote counted with new Hillsborough machines
ILIllinois Grundy Co. clerk holds classes for election judges
IAIowa New voting machines coming for Delaware Co.
KSKansas Official wants to toss lawsuit over audit of voting machinesKansas Kansas voting machine audit lawsuit: Statistician's lawyer says votes audit is vital, each 1 counts
MAMassachusetts Holyoke clerk's office preparing for presidential primaryMassachusetts Attleboro councilors balk at changing polling place
MSMississippi Printers removed from voting machines
MOMissouri House passes voter ID bills
MTMontana Blackfeet push county for Heart Butte voting office
NENebraska Legislature weighs future of state's election technology
OHOhio Miami Co. BOE proofs, approves ballotsOhio Elections board needs dozens more poll workersOhio Election official seeks extra poll workers
OKOklahoma Polling places change for Hillsdale, Garber and Kremlin voters
PAPennsylvania Former Philly election official chargedPennsylvania Philly elections chiefs nix dock-their-pay proposal--for now
TNTennessee High school students register to vote in schoolTennessee Nashville's own 'Rock the Vote' on pace for teen registration record
TXTexas Waller Co. OKs 2 days of early voting at historically black campusTexas Young Co. precincts receive FEMA reimbursementsTexas Burnet Co. to bring back election functions to Square
VAVirginia Polling place now on opposite side of GHS
WIWisconsin IDs from Wisconsin towns, counties could not be used for voting under GOP billWisconsin Clerks fear loss of support after GAB dissolves
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