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Friday January 29, 2016
CACalifornia Vote-by-mail continues to growCalifornia Padilla knows firsthand why so many don't vote
GAGeorgia New app makes voter registration easier as deadline looms
ILIllinois Kane Co. clerk announces early voting delayIllinois Early primary voting delayed by candidate ballot challenges
KSKansas Commission on civil rights questions Kansas voter ID law
MDMaryland New machines, new location for early voting
MAMassachusetts Group pushes for automatic voter registration in Mass.
MIMichigan Canton faces 'crunch time' to hire election workers
MOMissouri New electronic voting equipment to be utilized in upcoming local elections
MTMontana Missoula Co. 'desperate' for election judges
NENebraska Ballot selfies opposed by secretary of state
NYNew York Early voting, could it save money?
NCNorth Carolina Witnesses express concern about voter ID lawNorth Carolina Plaintiffs rest their case on 4th day of voter ID trialNorth Carolina NAACP lawyer grills elections director in trial over photo IDsNorth Carolina BOE expected to hear challenge for WSSU early voting site
OHOhio Husted throws support behind OVROhio GOP replaces elections board memberOhio County BOE preparing for primary
PAPennsylvania Not yet registered to vote? Now you can do it onlinePennsylvania Pa. seeks to improve accuracy of voter rollsPennsylvania Rahn named to head Chesco voter servicesPennsylvania Luzerne Co. officials scramble to fill election board vacancies
TXTexas Voting machines presentedTexas Election officials earn certification
VAVirginia Little River poll site moved
WVWest Virginia Commission approves changes to emergency absentee voting policy
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