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Wednesday March 30, 2016
National NewsNational News Internet voting unlikely to replace paper ballots in USNational News Paper vs. electronic voting machines: States move in different directions
AZArizona As some Sun City voters steam, lawmakers will address election linesArizona Pinal Co. had complaints of registration errorsArizona Voters let elections officials have itArizona Recorder's office breaks down provisional ballots from PPEArizona Almost 50% of eligible Maricopa voters cast ballotsArizona Purcell shaken by voter rage over AZ primary but won't quitArizona Mistaken party affiliation could make some provisional ballots countArizona Local metal band releases song protesting Maricopa Co. voting debacle
CTConnecticut Milford decides to close schools for primary
FLFlorida Scott calls pay hike for supervisors the 'right thing to do'
GAGeorgia Runoff voting quick and easyGeorgia Low voter turnout for special election
ILIllinois Party demands election investigation
IAIowa Voting rights case has high stakes for Iowa felons who votedIowa Court case could restore felon voting rights
KYKentucky Early voting bill before Senate
LALouisiana Senators refuse to change absentee voting rules
MDMaryland Decision on filling Aberdeen vacancy pushed to April
MAMassachusetts Fight over state's election ballots
MIMichigan Traverse City clerk recommends new polling place
MNMinnesota City launching aggressive effort to increase voter turnout
MTMontana Groups push Montana agencies to comply with voter laws
NMNew Mexico County clerks expect to let some 17-year-olds vote in June primaries
NYNew York Election commissioner urges North Syracuse to move elections to November
NCNorth Carolina New voter ID law means lost licenses
OHOhio Lucas Co. tossed 436 provisional votesOhio Miami Co. BOE reviews provisional ballotsOhio Meyer succeeds Terry as Allen Co. elections director
PAPennsylvania County swamped by voter registrations on deadlinePennsylvania Last-minute party switchers, new voters visit elections office before deadlinePennsylvania In Pa., online registration a boon to young votersPennsylvania Pa. preps for primary
RIRhode Island General Assembly approves OVR
TNTennessee Tennessee a step closer to online voter registration
TXTexas Counties prepare for big election turnouts
WIWisconsin Wisconsin's voter ID law requires education campaignWisconsin Sanders criticizes voter ID law in WisconsinWisconsin Officials confident photo ID law won't snarl polls
WYWyoming Commissioners eye county election budget
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