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May 14 - 16, 2016
National NewsNational News Courts may play pivotal role on voting rights in 2016 electionNational News Obama backs national voting dayNational News Stevens says Supreme Court decision on voter ID was correct, but maybe not right
AKAlaska Bethel to keep polling stations instead of mail-in ballotsAlaska City council votes down postal ballots
AZArizona Helen Purcell through the yearsArizona Attorney calls for Reagan's impeachmentArizona Voting centers to debut Tuesday
CACalifornia Vote-by-mail ballots delayed until May 20California California November ballot may have as many as 18 ballot measures
FLFlorida Collier elections office relocating
GAGeorgia Saturday voting
IDIdaho Ada Co. need to 'duplicate' batch of misprinted absentee ballots
INIndiana Vigo Co. results official, LWV petition for ISU vote centerIndiana Interesting trends in Clay Co. votingIndiana Election board fields concerns over accessibility for disabled votersIndiana Inmates often miss chance to vote
KSKansas Clerk to demonstrate voting machines
KYKentucky Elections board discusses concealed carry for poll workers
MDMaryland Election snafus leave voters wondering if their vote was countedMaryland Baltimore election audit to begin Monday
MIMichigan Two Wayne voting precincts relocated
MNMinnesota Secretary of state launches new website
MOMissouri Kraus says Ashcroft failed where he succeededMissouri Lawmakers grant new authority to secretary of state
MTMontana Elections office advises reading ballot instructions
NENebraska Nebraska OVR wins 2016 StateScoop 50 Award for Innovation of the Year
NYNew York NYC BOE hasn't committed to any reformsNew York Poll workers have one job to do--and 20 percent don't do itNew York NYC elections chief says no excuses for election blunderNew York Storm erupts over 3rd try at moving polling siteNew York AG pursing voter purge complaints
NCNorth Carolina Losing candidates allege Durham primary was 'tainted'North Carolina SBOE to handle Durham election complaints
OHOhio Clark Co. elections official quits, says he was 'disrespected'
OROregon Automatic voter registration a success, with a hitchOregon Primary is first test of automatic voter registration lawOregon Surge in registrations could lead to big turnoutOregon Nearly 25 percent of ballots already inOregon Counting of ballots underway for primaryOregon Why the Dem secretary of state race is wide openOregon First primary returns expected around 8pmOregon Ashland ballot drop box alley will be one-way Monday and Tuesday
TXTexas Supreme Court ruling proses problems for Texas voters
VAVirginia Blacksburg voting startup seeks $3.2MVirginia Area groups mobilize to register voters
WIWisconsin Holder says DOJ should examine Wisconsin voter IDWisconsin Federal judge to eye Wisconsin's voting changesWisconsin Haas named new elections chiefWisconsin State elections commission names first administratorWisconsin LWV outlines voters ID steps for fall elections
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