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Wednesday July 6, 2016
AZArizona AZ online voter registration system down, computer compromised
CACalifornia Deadline approaches for county election talliesCalifornia Group trying to stop election certificationCalifornia Wait to finalize vote count, group urgesCalifornia About 70K ballots remain to be counted
FLFlorida Bradenton Beach's bizarre election tie-breaker gets national exposure
KSKansas ACLU: Kobach 'deliberately' creating voter chaos
MDMaryland Maryland elections board approves Silver Run polling site change
MAMassachusetts Cities and towns fret over costs of early voting
MNMinnesota Linwood precinct expansion prep continues
NVNevada Clark Co. repairs, upgrades election building
NJNew Jersey Court upholds NJ's 21-day pre-election registration requirement
NYNew York Newton GOP makes pitch for new appointee on BOE
NCNorth Carolina Wake victory could signal success in other election lawsuits
NDNorth Dakota Seeking election reform, Fargo city leaders will study runoffs
PAPennsylvania County seeks to remove barriers for voters with disabilities
VAVirginia In Virginia, a battle to give former felons the right to voteVirginia Supervisors consider more options for Cardova precinct polling
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