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Friday January 6, 2017
ALAlabama No special election to replace Sessions; Bentley says move could save $16MAlabama Brighton mayor seeks termination of city absentee manager
AZArizona Secretary of state floats election law overhaul
CACalifornia San Jose council candidate will sue after losing election
CTConnecticut Bates to be named deputy secretary of state
FLFlorida New supervisor of elections unveils new website
GAGeorgia Forsyth to consolidate election headquarters, warehouse
ILIllinois City clerk removed from Bellville electoral boardIllinois Homer Twp residents can request mail-in ballots for primary
IAIowa Proposal would require ID for Iowa votersIowa Iowa secretary of state proposes voter ID
KSKansas Don Merriman will retire Monday as Saline Co. clerk
KYKentucky Local clerks OK with early voting
MOMissouri Elections, supplies are expensive and thousands spent just to prepare
NENebraska Murante proposes winner-take-all, voter IDNebraska Bill would restore voting rights immediately for felons who served their time
NHNew Hampshire Election administration bills on the docketNew Hampshire Secretary of state orders town clerks to accept Libertarian voter registrations
NJNew Jersey Chesterfield candidate petitioning court to break election tie
NYNew York Genesee Co. election commission establishes policy regarding usage of county election machines for special electionsNew York Orleans elections official to be replaced
NCNorth Carolina State elections board changes blocked by judges' injunctionNorth Carolina Combining NC elections, ethics boards remains up in the air
NDNorth Dakota Fargo task force recommends changing voting system
OHOhio Saferin GOP's choice to fill elections board vacancy
TXTexas Rolando Pablos named new Texas secretary of state
USVIUS Virgin Islands St. Croix elections board unable to muster quorum to install new officers
VAVirginia Voting changes proposed in General AssemblyVirginia Fairfax gears up for providing Vietnamese-language help to voters
WVWest Virginia Belmont wants polling placeWest Virginia Upshur Co. leaders appoint Carol Smith county clerk
WYWyoming Lawmakers consider reinstating felons' voting rights faster
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