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Wednesday January 11, 2017
National NewsNational News Jeff Sessions calls Voting Rights Act intrusiveNational News Sessions and courts have different opinions on voter ID laws
CACalifornia Clock ticking on open source voting effort as SF extends voting machine contract http://www.redding.com/story/news/local/2017/01/10/bid-toss-siskiyou-voter-intimidation-case-denied/96420088/
CTConnecticut New Haven voting process hearing produced ideas, suggestions
FLFlorida Report analyzes recent election
GAGeorgia Floyd Co. elections and registration department have demonstration with ES&S teamGeorgia Board of elections approves budget proposal
ILIllinois Public speaks out on plan to merge DuPage election commission into clerk's office
KSKansas Lawmakers consider bill to alter special election process
MIMichigan Almost half voted straight-party ticket in November
NENebraska Bill would add more early voting sites in cities
NHNew Hampshire AG seeks high court review of rulings against ballot selfie banNew Hampshire Town doesn't want special election
NJNew Jersey Senate confirms Kotch to lead Burlington Co. elections office
NYNew York Statement by AG Schneiderman on Cuomo's voting rights proposal
NCNorth Carolina US Supreme Court temporarily blocks NC special elections
TXTexas Approval of new Hidalgo Co. voting machines tabled for 30 daysTexas Texas AG asked to look at Hidalgo elections
VAVirginia Lynchburg voters continue to report problems after ballot shortageVirginia Lynchburg voters face ballot shortage at pollsVirginia Gov. McAuliffe proposes expanded voter accessVirginia Governor wants to repeal voter ID, expand absentee votingVirginia Arlington board approves polling changes
WIWisconsin State recount costs come in $2M less than expectedWisconsin Wauwatosa school board approves use of some schools as polling places
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