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Tuesday January 31, 2017
National NewsNational News President's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states
AZArizona State election director denies demanding voters be purged
CACalifornia Sonoma Co. needs poll workers for upcoming special election
GAGeorgia BOE named Newton Co. department of the month
GUGuam Election commission to purge 5,318 inactive voters
KSKansas Judge sets hearing date on Kansas citizenship proof lawsuitsKansas Bill would require primary write-in winners to opt-in to general election race
MIMichigan Report: No evidence of Michigan voter fraud
MOMissouri Holding an election without an election
NENebraska Redistricting would utilize independent advisory panel
NMNew Mexico Lawmakers consider AVRNew Mexico Voter fraud claims no new in New Mexico
OHOhio Husted urges counties to implement electronic pollbook technologyOhio Sherer will not seek new term on Start BOE
RIRhode Island RI ACLU finds eligible voters turned away at November polls
TNTennessee Tennessee ranked last in new 2014 voter turnout data
TXTexas Nueces Co. seeks public input on voting centersTexas Gregg OKs election planTexas Suggestion to reinstate elections administrator
UTUtah Bill to create runoff elections in Utah starts down fast-track toward passageUtah Proposal would make state and county governments pay for presidential primary elections
VAVirginia Voting rights reform for ex-offenders dies in General Assembly subcommitteeVirginia Senate Dems critical of GOP efforts to limit voting access
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