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February 11 - 13, 2017
National NewsNational News Election commissioner to president: Show evidence of voter fraudNational News Rep. Susan Davis re-introduced legislation to expand access to votingNational News Academic feud over noncitizen voters resurfaces with fraud probe
ALAlabama Look back...to new voting machines' imminent delivery, 1942
AZArizona Fewer voters, fewer early ballotsArizona Experience guides Reagan's call for changes
COColorado Campus free speech bill hits bump over voter registration activity
CTConnecticut Five decades on the job
FLFlorida Gov. Rick Scott restores voting rights to man who did time 30 years agoFlorida Secretary of state could become elected office
GAGeorgia County elections office has new homeGeorgia Georgia settle suit alleging it blocked thousands of minority voters
IDIdaho Bill to allow concealed permit as voter ID introducedIdaho Denney says Idaho should have online voter registration by next fall
ILIllinois Illinois lawmakers pitch automatic voter registration againIllinois Urbana man charged with living, voting in U.S. illegallyIllinois Partisan fears emerge as county election commission merger moves forwardIllinois McHenry Co. lawmakers make push to abolish local election boards
INIndiana County to refurbish voting machinesIndiana County updating voting machinesIndiana Precinct consolidation group finds some agreement
IAIowa Iowa aware of only handful of improper votes cast in November
MIMichigan Detroit reps rip clerk's 'shameful' election oversightMichigan New bills include requiring all votes to be recountableMichigan Montcalm Co. records contradict election billing allegations
NVNevada Nevada considers various courses to overhaul voting process
NHNew Hampshire President claims voter fraud impacted NH resultsNew Hampshire Presidential adviser repeats baseless claims on voter fraud in NHNew Hampshire Comments by senior WH adviser that voter fraud in NH is 'widely known' create firestorm
NJNew Jersey Wildwood Crest to consolidate voting to one site
NMNew Mexico Lawmakers trim slate of electoral reforms
NYNew York Essex Co. to foot bill if ballot-data challenge continues
NCNorth Carolina Stanly BOE considers fewer voting precinctsNorth Carolina NC man convicted of voting twice in March 2016 primaryNorth Carolina Names of appeals judges who issued order in elections board case a secret
OHOhio Erie County's 'champion of fair elections' bowing outOhio Lawmaker's propose automatic voter registrationOhio Ashland Co. agrees to purchase new voting systemOhio Primary elections could shift to May
OKOklahoma State statute increase cost of special election
OROregon Learning curve, layoffs beset new secretary of state's first month in office
TXTexas County reconsiders voting equipment upgradeTexas Voter ID law would have prevented 16,400 from voting in NovemberTexas Voter fraud 'whipping boy' behind 8-year sentence in Texas?Texas After more than two months, new election date set in Hidalgo
UTUtah Cache Co. clerk weighs in on voter registration proposalUtah Bill to extend early voting advances
VTVermont Some question new voter registration law
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