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Thursday April 6, 2017
National NewsNational News State And Local Officials Wary Of Federal Government's Election Security Efforts
CACalifornia County promotes Baldwin to permanent postCalifornia Out of 23 People, 2 Candidates Set to Advance for L.A.'s 34th Congressional Seat
COColorado Election watcher bill causing controversy in Colorado
CTConnecticut Brookfield appeals suit over Dunkerton legal fees
FLFlorida Supervisor of Elections holds equipment testingFlorida Senator: Duval Supervisor of Elections wants ability to opt out of new bill expanding absentee ballot collectionFlorida Charges Against Ex-Elections Supervisor Weeks Reduced to Five, But Warrant StandsFlorida City election that almost wasn't
GAGeorgia Former county commissioner reacts to bilingual ballot voteGeorgia Elections bill with 26-month voter verification deadline sent to DealGeorgia DeKalb County reverses plans, creates early voting locationGeorgia How to vote early in DeKalb for Congress and Stonecrest elections
ILIllinois DuPage could take weeks to count remaining ballotsIllinois A tied election in Tazewell CountyIllinois Joliet Junior College board reflects on Klen's posthumous election winIllinois Election of dead woman to Joliet Junior College board 'emotional,' sister saysIllinois Irvin declares victory while Guzman waits for final ballot countIllinois Kim not ready to quit close Mundelein raceIllinois Evanston Election resultsIllinois Tight suburban mayor's race could signal GOP challenges in 2018Illinois McLean Co. Clerk: Normal mayoral results likely 2 weeks away; recount possibleIllinois Koos, Tiritilli set sights on absentee ballots
KSKansas Judge tells Kansas official to produce plan taken to President
MNMinnesota Convicted felons slip through cracks
MSMississippi Special election for schools set for May 23
NVNevada Turnout fails to hit 10 percent for Clark County voteNevada 3 things to watch on legislative day 59
NHNew Hampshire Plan to ratify postponed elections fails
NMNew Mexico Las Cruces area high school has voter registration drive
NYNew York GOP's Lisa Grey leaves Board of Elections for Civil Court runNew York Board of Elections Hires New Chief Clerk for Brooklyn Borough Office
NCNorth Carolina NC election worker charged with altering records to allow felons to voteNorth Carolina Report: Worker altered registration recordsNorth Carolina Hickory City Council opposes state bill to make local elections partisan
OHOhio Lucas County board member faces removal hearingOhio Looking for help: Poll Workers neededOhio Primary turnout expected to be low
TXTexas Voter registration deadline ThursdayTexas Voter Registration deadline is April 6Texas Citizens wanted for committee after voting snafuTexas Texas must face Hispanic voting rights claims
WVWest Virginia Warner working with clerks to increase voter registration before municipal elections
WIWisconsin Columbia County reports light turnout for Tuesday electionWisconsin Several community leaders unseated Tuesday
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