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Thursday April 13, 2017
National NewsNational News Top U.S. election official: There is no voting fraud 'epidemic'National News Safer elections mean newer equipment, no networks
AZArizona Dispute arises from state query about election systemArizona Senate advances another initiative-limiting billArizona Maricopa Co. installs new elections directorArizona Recorder returns checks for ballot overcharges
COColorado Hickenlooper signs bill banning 'free speech zones' from college campuses
FLFlorida Decision on Putnam sheriff election challenge still days awayFlorida Palm Beach faced with possible change to election or caucus date
GAGeorgia Democratic Columbus mayor mulls run for secretary of state
ILIllinois Boone Co. clerk, recorder to retire
INIndiana Voter registration bill sent to governor's desk
IAIowa Mixed emotions on voter ID billIowa State representatives explain reasoning for voter ID bill
KSKansas Issues with two voting machines cause delay in special election resultsKansas Kobach says non-citizen has pleaded guilty to voter fraudKansas Election oddities around the Northland
KYKentucky Early voting provisions Grimes championed become law
MEMaine Maine's highest court to hear ranked-choice voting arguments
MOMissouri Views on low voter turnout in local elections mixed
MTMontana Clerk association chief wants ballot issue on House floor
NHNew Hampshire SB3 & Voting Laws: Facts, fear and fictionNew Hampshire Another plan to deal with elections moved by the blizzardNew Hampshire Analysis: Blizzard town meeting turnout better than those postponed
OHOhio Erie Co. incorporating iPads into voting processOhio Indicted elections director wants government pension unfrozen
PAPennsylvania Pa. bill would allow early voting, expand absentee ballots
TNTennessee Cocke Co. reorganizes election commission
USVIUS Virgin Islands Territorial voting rights brief filed in Seventh CircuitUS Virgin Islands Rodriquez seeks to bar elections board from certifying election
WAWashington Clark Co. centenarian honored for her years of voting
WYWyoming Election judges unsung heroes of polls
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