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Friday April 28, 2017
ARArkansas County to try voting centers
CACalifornia Moving primary gaining traction
FLFlorida CP Interview: Orange Co. SOE Bill Cowles
ILIllinois Partial recount to start May 9 in Normal mayor's raceIllinois Election board enters settlement agreement with DOJ
KSKansas Women for Kansas look at voting reliability
MAMassachusetts Pembroke town clerk welcomes new voting machines
MIMichigan Alma approves resolution for voting equipment purchaseMichigan House passes bills disallowing party names, logos on ballots
MSMississippi Secretary of state visits Starkville to talk voter education
MTMontana Odd election date closes some polling places
NENebraska Ricketts vetoes bill that would grant voting rights to newly-released felons
NYNew York Groups ask NY to allow early voting
NCNorth Carolina GOP lawmaker backtracks on voting plan
OHOhio County officials want help with old voting machinesOhio Butler Co. moving to e-poll booksOhio Mahoning elections board adding new online reporting systemOhio E-poll books may update voting process in countyOhio Latta: Postal service vows faster delivery
OROregon As ballots hit inboxes, election officials push online tracking
PAPennsylvania Philly prisons ramp up voter education for inmates
RIRhode Island RI tackles issues with non-existent voters on file
TNTennessee Shelby Co. elections folks offer classes for deputy registrars
TXTexas Minority groups want trial on Texas voting maps before 2018Texas Tarrant Co. needs bilingual poll workers
VAVirginia McAuliffe says he has broken US record for restoring voting rightsVirginia Website helps felon restore voting rights
WVWest Virginia West Virginia narrows poll restriction on electioneering
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