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Friday May 12, 2017
National NewsNational News White House launches a commission to study voter fraud and suppressionNational News President signs executive order creating voter fraud commissionNational News Despite little evidence of fraud, White House launches voting commissionNational News Democratic lawmakers decry president's voter fraud panelNational News Jackson calls commission to investigate voter fraud a fraudNational News Civil rights groups fume over choice of Kobach to head voter fraud panel
AZArizona Voting in Tucson election? Don't mail your ballot; drop it off
CTConnecticut Merrill critical of president's review of alleged voter fraud
FLFlorida Broward's annual high school voter registration drive kicks offFlorida Comedian Samantha Bee throws weight behind Florida felons' voting rights
GAGeorgia More early voting sites openGeorgia DeKalb Co. adds more early voting sites
IDIdaho Bannock Co. prepares for May election
ILIllinois Missing votes: Another bizarre turn in Rockford race
INIndiana Indiana secretary of state to serve on president's 'election integrity' commission
IAIowa State government association appoints Paul PateIowa State launches ADA voting app
KSKansas President is said to pick voter ID advocate for election fraud panelKansas President to name Kobach to leadership role on voter fraud commission
KYKentucky Grimes slams president's voter fraud commission
MEMaine Maine's secretary of state seeks to join panel on voter fraud
MNMinnesota Simon touts address confidentiality programMinnesota Olmsted election officials oppose push for provisional ballots
NHNew Hampshire Secretary of State Gardner tapped for election integrity commission
NMNew Mexico Secretary of state blasts president's 'election integrity' commission
NYNew York New York's 'I Voted' stickers get subway-themed designNew York Your vote didn't count and board didn't tell you in time to do anything about it
RIRhode Island At least 125 RI voters claim police stations, shops as their home address
TNTennessee Election commission legislation stalls
TXTexas Poor turnout for local electionTexas Everything you need to know about voting in TexasTexas Report: Understaffing, inexperience led to Election Day woes in Denton Co.
UTUtah Poll: Democrats and independents have higher opinion of Spencer Cox than Republicans
VTVermont Leahy slams president's 'election integrity' commission
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