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Friday July 14, 2017
National NewsNational News Election security is a surprisingly controversial issueNational News WH releases emails sent to election commissionNational News Supreme Court case may shake up elections
ALAlabama Limestone's probate judge previews busy election cycle
AZArizona AZ GOP sends letter seeking voter info
COColorado Nearly 3,400 Colorado voters withdraw registrations following data requestColorado Voter confidentiality requests in La Plata Co. nearly triple since July 1Colorado El Pas Co. hearing form voters fearful of election commission
FLFlorida Voters unregisteringFlorida Florida voters asking to be removed from rollsFlorida Some voters balk at election data push
GAGeorgia Fulton approves polling location changesGeorgia Some voters balk at handing over election data
IDIdaho Court hearing off; Dems, state in settlement talks over voter info request
INIndiana Lawson confident in integrity of election processIndiana Few Hoosiers ask to be removed from registration lists
KSKansas Secretary of state's office updates website
MIMichigan County board accepts grants for voting machinesMichigan Clare election first test for new county voting equipment
MSMississippi Judge rules election challenge can proceed
MOMissouri Ashcroft visits Ozarks to talk about new voter ID lawMissouri Discussing the first St. Louis election under new voter ID law
NENebraska No data was shared before election commission pause
NMNew Mexico Council to revisit decision on ranked-choice votingNew Mexico Las Cruces-area county clerk supports voter privacy
NCNorth Carolina Lawmakers to consider another voter ID bill
OHOhio County must foot bill for voting machinesOhio Trumbull Co. BOE considers going back to paper ballots
PAPennsylvania Wolf administration announces more Pennsylvanians using online voter registrationPennsylvania Polling places moved
SCSouth Carolina 120 voters turned away from polls last month
TXTexas Legal fees figure in decision on Pasadena voting rights appealTexas After month on the run, Dallas voter fraud suspect apprehendedTexas Despite privacy concerns, few Texans seek to unregisterTexas Lawmaker hopes to address voter fraudTexas County commissioners pause on voting center planTexas Did hackers target Harris Co. election system? Officials won't say
UTUtah Chaffetz resignation requires counties to pony up $675K for special election
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