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Friday September 15, 2017
National NewsNational News How 'drop-off' voters differ from consistent voters and nonvotersNational News Bipartisan initiative to thwart election hacking gains steamNational News Correction: Voting commission-state response story
AZArizona Maricopa Co. takes extreme measures to protect voting systems
CACalifornia New voting system set for public demonstrationCalifornia Board of supervisors approve new election model
FLFlorida Irma no obstacle to election. Early voting starts Saturday
KYKentucky Boyd Co. splits 2 precincts
MEMaine Judge dismisses Maine inmate's lawsuit alleging denial of voting rights
MDMaryland College Park residents are divided on allowing noncitizens to vote
MAMassachusetts Norwell approves new voting machines for special electionMassachusetts Early voting not an option in this year's local elections
MIMichigan Local cities gear up for election with help from residentsMichigan Delta Co. gets new vote tabulating equipmentMichigan Alumni continue waging selfie battle
MSMississippi Spruill files appeal with MS Supreme Court in election contest
MTMontana Secretary of state denies voter fraud claimsMontana Secretary of state dings media for 'incorrectly' saying he made claims of voter fraud
NVNevada Oscar Delgado won't run for secretary of state
NHNew Hampshire ACLU talks voter suppression after panel meets in NHNew Hampshire Judge's ruling on voting law sets stage for deep, lengthy review of new ID requirementsNew Hampshire Despite court order, controversy over new voting law continues
NMNew Mexico Ranked choice supporters want to weigh in on court case
NYNew York Assemblyman proposes to broaden voting rules to boost turnoutNew York De Blasio says it's time to rethink BOE model
OHOhio Seven indicted for illegally registering to vote in Franklin Co.
TNTennessee Voting Rocks meant to encourage young Shelby Co. votersTennessee BMA delays vote on request to combine Rogersville 'inside' voting precincts
USVIUS Virgin Islands DOJ argues for rollback of voting rights in USVI
UTUtah Suit over vote-by-mail in San Juan Co. is heading to trial
VTVermont Condos on election commission, same-day voter registration
VAVirginia Five Southwest Va. localities forced to scrap touchscreen voting machinesVirginia Jesse Jackson implores UVA students to push for automatic voter registration
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state calls for election cyber vigilance
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