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September 30 - October 2, 2017
National NewsNational News The few Dems on WH voter fraud panel push backNational News Administration furthers states' frustration over election hacking
AZArizona ACLU group asks AZ to restore voting rights to ex-felons
ARArkansas Election commission rejects Elliott as coordinator
CACalifornia A sloppy signature might keep your 2018 ballot from being countedCalifornia Elections officials seek 'clarity' when it comes to checking ballot signatures
COColorado You'll soon be able to vote with the touch of a fingerColorado Mesa Co. elections office making sure your vote counts
FLFlorida Online voter registration begins today in FloridaFlorida Once called too risky, Florida online voter registration finally arrivesFlorida Florida voter rights restoration supporters collected 124K signatures
ILIllinois Chicago voters to get a year of identity protectionIllinois Wilmette volunteers celebrate democracy on NVRD
INIndiana Decatur Co. poll workers honored by secretary of state
KSKansas ACLU kicks off nationwide voting effort on Kris Kobach's home turfKansas Voting experts to discuss voter suppression in Kansas
MIMichigan Judge dismisses Gladwin ballot tampering case
NHNew Hampshire Gardner releases documents related to participation on WH panel
NMNew Mexico New petition filed to force ranked-choice votingNew Mexico Ranked-choice petition heads to district court
NCNorth Carolina Wake elections board violates law in naming new chair
OHOhio Butler Co. reinstates maintenance contract for voting machines
RIRhode Island Former candidate files complaint over RI voter registration
TXTexas Pasadena mayor pitches $1M settlement to end voting rights suitTexas State official says Texas not targeted by Russian hackers
VAVirginia Voting like it's 1999: Va. jurisdictions to back up ballots on paper
WIWisconsin Wisconsin has made progress heading off election hackers, but more could be done
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