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Thursday October 26, 2017
National NewsNational News Democrats on voter fraud commission urge leaders to be more transparentNational News 'Nothing going on' with voter fraud commission due to multiple lawsuits
ALAlabama Secretary of State: 5-year prison sentences for intentional crossover votersAlabama Senate race has cost $6 per vote locally
AZArizona Report: Secretary of state broke law in late mailing of ballot brochuresArizona Election pamphlet blunder prompts calls for secretary of state to step down
CACalifornia Working to secure Siskiyou voter information and election integrityCalifornia Lawsuit seeks to curb California Voting Rights ActCalifornia Accessible vote by mail system comes to San Mateo Co.
COColorado Voters who withdrew registrations can re-registerColorado Boulder Co. election HQ offer toursColorado Younger voters lag behind in mailing back ballotsColorado Chaffee Co. clerk: 'We appreciate our local post office'
FLFlorida With a few hiccups, online voter registration up and runningFlorida In a rare case of election fraud, Palm Coast felon is jailed for casting illegal ballotFlorida Advocacy group pushes for felons' voting rights
GAGeorgia No Saturday voting offered this yearGeorgia Dead voters reanimate zombie politics
GUGuam Lawmakers vote on bill to eliminate primary elections
ILIllinois Aurora city council backs election commission referendum
INIndiana $1.9M plan for voting machines pitched in Porter Co.
KYKentucky Fired elections staffer alleges Grimes improperly gathered voter data during campaigns
MIMichigan MSP raid in Hamtramck centers around possible voter fraud
NHNew Hampshire Rochester to be test site for new electronic voter check-in
NJNew Jersey Panel to hold hearing on security of voting machines
NYNew York Voter registration purge lawsuit settled by NYC BOE
NCNorth Carolina Deputy called to Scotland Co. BOE after problems at polls
NDNorth Dakota Burleigh Co. proposes significant reduction in polling sites
OHOhio Cleveland grand jury rejects charges against 17 identified in illegal voting probeOhio BOE: Ballots safe
PAPennsylvania Lawmakers host public hearing on illegal votingPennsylvania Pennsylvania finds 544 possibly illegal ballots since 2000Pennsylvania Raucous committee meeting leaves Pa. lawmakers at odds over illegal voting
SCSouth Carolina State reviews election complaints
TXTexas Early elections kick off with new equipment
UTUtah Voter rolls lawsuit still active, even if election fraud commission isn't
VAVirginia More than $1M spent on new voting equipment in NorfolkVirginia New voting equipment sets Washington, Co. back more than $100K
WVWest Virginia WV election commission OKs voter IDs for voters without IDs
WIWisconsin Dane Co. board proposes resolution to suspend voter ID law
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