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January 12-14, 2019
National NewsNational News Incoming NASS leader rejects Democrats' election security bill
AZArizona Greenlee Co. elections director retires
FLFlorida Miami-Dade felons turn out to voter registration rally celebrating Amendment FourFlorida Carrabelle seeks change in city elections
GAGeorgia Do you want to vote on a touchscreen machine, hand-marked ballot or 'ballot printer'Georgia Voting changes recommended to Ga. lawmakersGeorgia Attorney David Kennedy joins elections boardGeorgia Officials still considering elections board moveGeorgia Senators salute Hall poll workers
HIHawaii Supreme Court to hear arguments in election challenge
IDIdaho Official: Idaho needs a cybersecurity expert for elections
ILIllinois Vote to dissolve DuPage's election commission set for Tuesday, but clerk says it's too soonIllinois Saline board OK's new county clerkIllinois DuPage clerk, board chairman disagree on whether election commission merger should happen before or after April election
INIndiana Report: Company's Johnson Co. voting 'work around' violated election lawIndiana Pfaff proposes voting reform
IAIowa Iowa City man faces voter misconduct charge
KSKansas Dodge City plans to announce new voting sites amid legal battles
KYKentucky Disputed House race centers on 17 absentee ballots
MEMaine Republicans may seek to overturn ranked-choice voting
MAMassachusetts Attleboro area communities getting money for early voting
MSMississippi College students push for voting reforms
MOMissouri Lennon limits online access to voter rolls
MTMontana Secretary of state calls last election clean, defends announcing run for governor using official email
NJNew Jersey Court decision in NJ voter intimidation case could bring 'new wave of voter suppression' in 2020, expert saysNew Jersey Hoboken man indicted in alleged 2015 vote-by-mail schemeNew Jersey Feds expand probe into alleged cash-for-votes scheme in Hoboken
NYNew York New York's antiquated voting laws set for monumental overhaulNew York Reaction generally positive to possible voting changesNew York Voting in New York: Five major changes are coming soonNew York US Supreme Court to hear case on Rensselaer Co. election fraudNew York Bill aims to increase voter turnout among young people
NCNorth Carolina NC election violations alleged in 2016 were aired with DOJNorth Carolina Who's who in North Carolina's 9th District election fraud scandalNorth Carolina Voters say date differences on mail ballot 'innocent mistake'North Carolina Commissioners to decide on elections positionNorth Carolina Voter list in Robeson trimmed by 8K
OHOhio About 2,500 Clark Co. voters removed from voter rollsOhio New secretary of state outlines priorities for officeOhio Husted appoints elections replacementOhio Officials plan to renovate Early Vote Center
PAPennsylvania Federal shutdown ties up new voting machines for Montgomery Co.Pennsylvania Philadelphia scrambles to get new voting machines
SCSouth Carolina How often do SC's voting machines mess up? New election report details count problems
SDSouth Dakota Bill aims to fix June election problems
WAWashington Native American voting rights bill proposed
WVWest Virginia Two seats flipped in Fairmont City Council after once-missing votes countedWest Virginia Wood Co. in the process of getting new voting machinesWest Virginia Secretary of state rep. accused of electioneering for county clerk
WYWyoming Mail-in ballots bill dies
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