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Friday January 25, 2019
AKAlaska Muni prepares for April's mail-in election by verifying voter addresses
AZArizona Committee approves changes to voting lawsArizona Senate committee votes to ban voters from dropping off early ballotsArizona Fontes defends 2018 election
CACalifornia Fire impacts voter registrationCalifornia County to introduce new voting system
CTConnecticut Committee hears testimony of Stratford ballot bungle
FLFlorida Florida secretary of state says no hacks took place during 2018Florida A sincere thank you from Brenda SnipesFlorida Mike Ertel resigns as Florida secretary of state after blackface photos surfaceFlorida Ormond to pay share of half-cent tax special election
GAGeorgia Henry Co. election board proposed polling changes
ILIllinois McNamara opposes Rockford, Winn. Co. consolidation of elections
INIndiana Accuracy of Porter Co. election results under review by state
IAIowa Iowa voter ID law: Judge strikes rule on absentee ballots as 'irrational, illogical and wholly unjustifiable'Iowa Changes in the administrator of elections in IowaIowa Iowa judge strikes down absentee ballot rules
KYKentucky Panel grants recount requested in disputed Kentucky House race
MEMaine Blue Hill town clerk greets residents by name
MAMassachusetts Mass teen voting bill pitched as complement to civics ed
MIMichigan Michigan House to consider legalizing ballot selfies
MNMinnesota Court of Appeals sides agains even-year elections effort in St. Paul
NENebraska More Nebraska counties move to all-mail elections
NHNew Hampshire NH Dems challenging voter registration law denied databaseNew Hampshire Dems denied access to voter database in lawsuit over NH election law
NYNew York Ulster Co. elections board will no longer provide voting equipment to school districtsNew York Cuomo signs 'transformative' election law changesNew York Cost of early voting in Orange Co. could hit $1.3MNew York Election commissioners slam Sugarman, in her absence
NCNorth Carolina Past chairman won't serve on next NC elections boardNorth Carolina New NC BOE won't start for a week. But it's already deep in controversyNorth Carolina Controversy ensued as parties roll out SBOE nomineesNorth Carolina Do state investigators really have evidence to call 9th District margin into question?
NDNorth Dakota Lawmakers seek student IDs for voting
OHOhio Miller chosen for elections boardOhio Hundreds of inactive voters removed from Logan Co. rollsOhio Voters may see new machines in NovemberOhio Commissioners hold special meeting about voting boothsOhio BOE selects interim director and deputy directorOhio Dems oust Zeiher from elections board
PAPennsylvania Controller: Use Pleasant Ridge facility for storagePennsylvania Innamorato wants every eligible Pa. voter automatically registered
TNTennessee Bill would require top election officials to vacate office
VAVirginia Ranked choice voting bill tabledVirginia Bill to verify voter citizenship advances out of committee
WAWashington Washington Legislators consider Native America Voting Rights Act
WVWest Virginia Merger may force Washington Co. BOE move
WIWisconsin Advocacy group reports some issues, including with voter ID, during midterm election
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