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Tuesday February 12, 2019
National NewsNational News Where cybersecurity legislation 'goes to die' in Congress
ALAlabama Merrill to testify at congressional hearing on election security
ARArkansas House approves ballot-stub bill
CACalifornia California lawmaker tries again to lower voting ageCalifornia A new way to vote? Fresno Co. explores options
CTConnecticut Former Stamford Democrat Party chief arraigned in ballot fraud caseConnecticut State proposes changes following hectic Election Day
GAGeorgia New analysis suggests link between race and odd vote count in Ga.'s midterms
ILIllinois Officials hope early voting sites in all 50 wards will boost low numbersIllinois Nightmare scenario feared in city elections
INIndiana Johnson Co. to change election equipment before May primaryIndiana Elkhart's news voting machines will provide paper trailIndiana County will switch election vendorsIndiana Three vote centers set for city primary
KSKansas Shawnee council to consider mail-in ballot election for community center vote
KYKentucky Report: Eastern Kentucky school district broke election day lawKentucky Adams looks to bring experience to run for secretary of state
MDMaryland Ranked choice voting bill passes first test in Annapolis
MAMassachusetts Common Cause leaders speak in Brewster about election reform
MOMissouri Court rules some absentee-ballot materials exempt from Sunshine Law
MTMontana Stapleton fined $4K for campaign announcement
NVNevada Nevada Republicans seek to tighten election rules
NMNew Mexico Voter registration bills head to House floor
NYNew York Albany elections office headed to former DMV site in South End
NCNorth Carolina Cooper to set dates for a special election to replace Walter JonesNorth Carolina State concerned over Columbus County board's dismissal of election protest on technicalityNorth Carolina New Moore Co. elections board appointedNorth Carolina Candidate says operative now under investigation got results
OHOhio State eyes 'last chance' voter addressesOhio Sandusky swaps Columbus Day for Election DayOhio A new hope for elections boardOhio Purged Ohio voters getting another chance to register to vote
OKOklahoma Stephens Co. gets ready for local elections
PAPennsylvania Controversy swirls around new Philly voting systemPennsylvania Depasquale calls out counties for missing deadlinePennsylvania Hughesville unlikely to merge voting districts
SCSouth Carolina Richland Co. elections director resigns
SDSouth Dakota Rounds, Duvall say 6 weeks is too long for absentee voting
TNTennessee New administrator of elections vows to uphold office's reputationTennessee Tennessee weighs making it easier for ex-offenders to get back their voting rights
TXTexas AG's office told lawmakers it isn't investigating flagged voters. It told local officials it isTexas Smith Co. elections administrator named in voter reg lawsuitTexas Vicki Vogel resigns as Victoria Co. elections administratorTexas New voting machines are ready for use in Brazos Co.Texas Harris Co. commissioners court to consider voting centersTexas Harrison, Smith, Wood counties election officials named voter reg lawsuitTexas Bell Co. to send up to 240 letters to people with citizenship issues
WAWashington Auditor's Office: 'Snowpocalypse' wont affect special election ballot collectionWashington Special election ballots due Tuesday despite stormWashington One thing snow didn't cancel? Tuesday's special election
WVWest Virginia Bipartisan support for emergency absentee ballot bill
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